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Totally lost mission question

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Hi i had a look round the forums but i am totally lost.

I made a mission from the mission editor that came with flash point gold edition euro. version 1.3

Ok i made a mission but only using the gdi interface. how u access or edit the code or do u guys use another program. My problem is waypoints.

Mission starts in a village.

An officer jumps in a jeep 30m away from u.

The jeep drives to your location. The jeeps hits it's 2nd waypoint and tells the player to get in the jeep.

The player waypoint is locked on 2 the jeep telling u 2 "get in".

Player gets into the jeep.

The player waypoint changes to "Join alpha Squad" alpha squad are like 1 mile away. The waypoint used is set to join and lead which is connected to alpha squad.

Problem 1 : Ok when the player waypoint changes to "Join alpha squad" the distance remains 0m. y is this?

Mission continue

The jeep drives for out skirts of village Le moule.

On route to le moule i used waypoints for the jeep.

At each waypoint i change the text so it's like the commander is giving u a briefing on route to join alpha squad.

briefing: Works a treat. Any other why to give a briefing id loved to hear it.

So the jeep reaches alpha squad and every1 jumps out of the jeep. The player takes control of alpha.

Problem 2.

This mission works ok but only cuase i removed the last player waypoint. 1st waypoint get in jeep. 2nd join and lead alpha and the 3rd was seek and destroy and was placed in the centre of the village le moule. I had to remove the 3rd way point cause when the jeep brought the player to his 2nd waypoint alpha team was on search and destroy already and was heading for village. Witout the 3rd waypoint alpha waits for the player. How do i still ahave a 3rd waypoint for the player but make sure alpha waits untill i take control then goes on seek and destroy mode. I mean the mission is playable without the 3rd waypoint i just wanted to make it more user friendly. any advise would be great. i can up load the mission if u wish. Thanks in advance.

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Make sure you are in advanced mode, not easy.

Question one:

Make sure Alpha squad have a move waypoint

Put the Join and Lead waypoint near Alpha's waypoint and drag a synchronise line from Alpha's move waypoint to the players Join And Lead waypoint.

To make the officer give you orders via the radio use the following:

officer sideChat "GO HERE!"

You can put this either in an OnActivation field of a waypoint or trigger, or in a script.

Question 2:

Do not give Alpha any other orders than the move waypoint, they will follow you after they join you.

Make sure you give a Transport Unload waypoint where you want the player to disembark.. or if it is your jeep, a get out order.

Keep in mind people will usually play in veteran mode, so place markers where you want the player to do certain things.. and remember.. this will only be advice to the player so don't make any significant events dependant on waypoints.. Use triggers grouped to the player instead.

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Cheer man that helped alot. I actully found the read me on the editor quite useful and was able to fix this mission. I think now ill redo it with an intro and use your very helpful thoughts. cheers

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Avoid editor made intros like the plague, they suck, no matter how good you are. Look around for some camera scripting tutorials. I'll be making one sometime when I gt around to it.

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Ok I have got mission 1 done and dusted with an intro.

For some reason when ever my player waypoint is activated inside a vehicle it remains at 0ms. But if I leave the vehicle it returns to normal is this a bug. I have version 1.3 should I upgrade to version 1.4.

Mission 2

Location Le moule after Alpha has secured the area.

Starts off with an intro I love it.

Camera is fixed. Major starts be side a chopper and makes his way across the road to the player. Alpha is in the background in safe mode moving to another waypoint.

The camera then zooms to the player for about 3 secs. Then it zooms north of Le Moule showing tanks moving down the road. Also shows choppers landing and unloading troops. Then it zooms back to the player and the briefing starts. When the briefing is finished THE INTO ENDS.

Ok for the mission I have a few questions.

I had a few problems with choppers. What’s meant to happen is the major says lets go and runs for a chopper. The player’s waypoint points to the chopper telling them to get in. (Beside the player’s chopper 4 Attack choppers lift of and head for Morton to destroy some of the tanks in the area.)

Once the chopper is loaded with both the major and the player I want the chopper to move to the out skirts of Morton and unload beside 8 tanks. 4 tanks alpha and 4 tanks being bravo. I want the player to join alpha. Once the attack choppers have destroyed some of the enemy tanks say 8 I want them to return to base.

Leaving around 6 enemy tanks and 6 squads of men in the village.

What should happen next is alpha and bravo move in and destroy the rest of the enemy.

Question 1

Ok i managed to get the triger sorted but i still have a problem with the chopper they engage every 1. i just want them to move into the village talke out the tanks and withdraw.

Question 2

When the player joins and leads alpha I left 1 tank empty with 2 men beside it for the player to enter. The player’s waypoint is changed to enter your tank. Does that seem ok 2 you? Is that how it's done works away way.

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Question 1:

Try this; put 'Destroy' waypoints directly on the targets (tanks), then make a Game Logic (or just a trigger), name it, and put it where you want for those choppers to withdraw. Create a trigger, which will be activated when those targets are destroyed (Condition: _targetname getDammage 1), and in On Activation field put: _choppername setBehaviour "blue"; _choppername setCombatMode "careless"; _choppername doMove _triggername.

Be awared, that the 'flying AI' is-can be very difficult to control; despite of all of those commands they might still be buzzing around the other 'targets', and not retreating. Or if you have more targets for one chopper to destroy, they might engage some other target, not those which is next 'on the list'. And so on ... So if this not works properly experiment a bit, and you may came to the satisfiently solution.

Question 2:

Must admit I don't quite get it what do you want. Only I can say is; it's ok to me, if it's ok to you(the author). wink_o.gif

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how about an activating trigger going "destroy.sqs" ([this] exec "destroy.sqs"])

_chop = _this select 0


_chop domove (getpos tank1)


_chop DoFire tank1)

? (getdammage tank1 > 0.9): goto #loop2

goto: "loop1"


_chop domove (getpos tank2)


_chop DoFire tank2)

? (getdammage tank2 > 0.9): goto #loop3

goto: "loop2"

and so on...

dunno if that works;

I'm novice at scripting but that's how I would try to solve it wink_o.gif

ps: I put the time 5? there cause I dunno how much time it would take that chop to get there. Check This Topic where I asked for a domove thingy replied by Chris330 xmas_o.gif

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Ok i finished mission 2 at last with an overview and briefing..

Your start of in Le moule after alpha has destroyed the shilkas. You then get a briefing and have to get in a chopper n fly to your unit. After u enter your tank the battle starts. Hope u like it. Mission 2 part of full campaign called Overlord im working on.

I wanna make 10 missions in total.

Anyways was just wondering if u guys could check it for me.

Please tell me what ya think i spent about 4 days on this mission:P

Report any bugs balance issues thanks.



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