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Tank battles...

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ok have some questions regarding armor gameplay in OFP.

1: Any tips on tanks and apc to use that might have the AI using smoke etc?

2: Any good scripts to use to make tank battles more fun and "realistic"?

3: Any tips on making good missions that enables tanks and infantery to work togheter?

4: Anyone have any other input on OFP tank/apc gaming?

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ok have some questions regarding armor gameplay in OFP.

1: Any tips on tanks and apc to use that might have the AI using smoke etc?

2: Any good scripts to use to make tank battles more fun and "realistic"?

3: Any tips on making good missions that enables tanks and infantery to work togheter?

4: Anyone have any other input on OFP tank/apc gaming?

FFUR 2006

FFUR 2006

FFUR 2006

FFUR 2006



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2: Any good scripts to use to make tank battles more fun and "realistic"?

I do remember there being a script on OFPEC that made tank rounds a little less accurate, it was supposed to make the tank battles more fun.  However, OFPEC is down at the moment and I can't find anywhere else where the script can be downloaded.

Maybe someone else knows where it could be found smile_o.gif

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FFUR 2006?

How does it make tank battles better?

One of my main problems is when making coop missions for my friends i just dont seem to get missions that make us work toghter as tank/apc and infantery. The tank or apc just kicks the crap out of all the loons it runs into. Mainly coz they get paralyzed when they can dmg it. They just wont seek cover from tanks etc...

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FFUR impliments a number of said scripts for amor gaming. Due to most moderen tanks having computerized balistic target computers most armoed vehicles have one shot one kill on the move capablity. Wanting a long drawn out armor mission is a kinda diffcult. Stright on armor fiun best achived with Keycatt's and KillK scripts on tanks, the K-kill don't wortk in mp though.

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