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Is there a way to get Resistance to...

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...change sides when a trigger is activated?

I am making a mission where the player is West and there are East and Resistance units. I would like to make the Resistance units change their allegiance to the East side when a trigger is activated. Does anyone know how I can do this?

I have searched the forum and other sites but so far without success...




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Units cannot change sides during the mission. You could though make it look like they do by having identical looking units of on an offshore island somewhere that are aligned to the new side. When the time comes swap the old units for the new ones - you probably wouldn't notice even if you were looking at them when they are swapped. This won't work for the player or any of his group though.

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actually THob, you could, in theory, group them to someone from another side, thus changing their alleigance.

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To be honest I have not tested that - but I have had so many strange things happen with some units I would be suspicious that doing it that way they might retain some memory of who they once were - with strange consequences.

Just to be sure I think I would stick with the idea of doing a swap.

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I haven't tested it either. model swap would almost certainly be better for ai, impossible for player though...

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I remember now I made a mission a long time ago where a civilian joined a west group. He would happily fire at east soldiers but they would not fire back at him.

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actually THob, you could, in theory, group them to someone from another side, thus changing their alleigance.

IIRC, this doesn't work. It's easy enough to check and see though.

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No problem changing sides this way (grouping them with a high ranked unit of the other side). But, if you had WPs assigned to that group before changing sides, they will be no more valid.

A final note, if an east unit had a west target (was about to fire at it), and you group it with a west unit, the east unit will sill try to execute its last command, killing the now ally (I saw it a couple of times). So, the safer way would be to group the units with an existing unit of the other side and then issue immediate doStop commands to all these units.

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Thank you for the replies everyone. Some good suggestions that I will try. smile_o.gif

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