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the unknown

onmapsingle click

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i have this satellite script that works prefectly but i want to make it more usefull.

so i made a other script that whould allow you to move the gamelogic around where the sat will get at.

the problem is that when i use campos setpos pos it will put the logic at someting of 0 alt. and i want it to be 40.

i tryed the campos setpos [(getpos campos select 0),(getpos campos select 1),"40"] ting but it didnt worked.

this is how the script looks like

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

leader alpha sidechat "Requesting use of satellite over."


leader delta sidechat "Request granded. Where you want the satellite Alpha?"

hint "click on the map where you want the pick up"


onMapSingleClick {pos=_pos; onMapSingleClick {}}



? (pos in ["NULL"]) : goto "wait"


campos setpos pos


leader alpha sidechat format ["We want the satellite at %1 over",pos]


leader delta sidechat "Roger that Alpha moveing satellite in possition."

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Quote[/b] ]campos setpos [(getpos campos select 0),(getpos campos select 1),"40"]

Remove quotes from 40, they are used on strings (like player sidechat "Oh no! Two is down."), not numerical values.

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