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US DSAI Extension v1.0

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Ta Komuna - silly, silly me.

Btw, has anyone ever tried sifting through 1,500 Q4 voices? Not the most exciting job ever. smile_o.gifpistols.gif

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v1.1 is done, and undergoing bug squashing.


- Fixed grenade bug.

- Added QIV voices (about 1000 in total now)

- Thought about doing Russian voices, but didn't. Will try in v1.2 (sorry Shadow NX - I'm busy with Operation FacePlant)

Will be released today or tomorrow!!!

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Wouldnt it make more sense to implement a few for the east side instead a few hundred more for the already huge variety for the west units?

Well i just have to wait i guess.

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Yeah, I know - I'm currently just working with what I've got on my hands right now. Don't worry, I'm sure I'll get around to it. Oh, and do you speak Russian?

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Nope, at least not enough to be any help with this.

However in the demo there were separate sound folders with descriptions that will help identify what is what.

Like: Grenade, RPG Hit,Wounded,Tired ,Enemy Spotted etc

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I recommend 22Khz wss files rather than ogg - yes the download size will be larger but performance will be much better smile_o.gif


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Well, after looking through that bloody Alfa game - what a hunk of non-OFP not-so-goodness, I've added quite a few new Russian sounds - problem is, only a few to idle, because not many in the game are suitable (most are on radio).

The Russians now do a lot of whispering when in aware and detect modes, and hopefully a lot of shouting in combat! (And a lot of saying: I'm tired in idle). nener.gif

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this is a very good extension to an already great mod

Cant wait for the update its easy to install and adds so much more atmosphere in missions after a while you get bored of hearing the same "They got armour" or "Armour get down" etc etc so variation is what is needed and thats what youve done so cant wait for the update take your time if that means you can get more russian voices in i dont mind waiting a little while longer to have Russian voices instead of A mixture of American and Russian for the East  crazy_o.gif

Good work

Edit -

Quote[/b] ]I recommend 22Khz wss files rather than ogg - yes the download size will be larger but performance will be much better

I would also recomend that im not sure about everyone else but im willing to spend a little longer downloading if it means i get slightly better performance in game

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Hey all, the update is finished and sitting on my desktop. Once uni is over for today I'll bring it on over.

The files are still in .ogg for now... I must warn you, with .wss conversion there'll be quite a delay, and the file will be rather big (I'm talking approaching 50mb with compression here).

So I'll release it in .ogg, and we'll wait and see how it goes. Thanks for the support, all.

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I'm a bit embarresed but here we go, can anyone show me a picture of how the installation is to be done propaly, because ive tried everyway i thought was right but still the writing from the notepad comes up when i open the game banghead.gif  and still it doesnt work.

someone please help. help.gif

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Hey mate,

I had this problem too, at first (before I released the addon). Be sure the pasted bit from the readme is at the BOTTOM of the ECPsettings.sqf file, and you haven't missed any text ( these -> ; <- used to be a real pain for me) that you were meant to copy.

If this doesn't work, bear with me, I'll release the update, and we can go from there.

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As far as I know - no external scripts are required for running, it's simply a matter of whacking in the addon and adding some entries into the ECP function files. I imagine that if the server had this addon installed, everything would run fine, seeing as other ECP addons work too on a dedicated server.

Anyone want to try it out for me?

If this addon were installed on a dedicated server and all ECP clients also had this addon installed then (in theory) all should work perfect. However, if any ECP client didn't have this addon installed they would experience less chatter than normal, possibly much less chatter. This would be due to the server broadcasting numeric array indexes that (when that client received them) would not be attached to any particular sound. Why? Because since you have added many more sounds there would be less chance of the original sounds being selected by the server for broadcast. And since the Vanilla ECP client can only hear the Vanilla sounds he will therefore hear less sounds.

Clear as mud? Cool.   smile_o.gif If this all works out good, and I'm sure it will, we would love to incorporate this into the next release, with your permission. All credit will be recorded.

PS: Would love some Russian "Retreat!" sounds. Note that ECP currently is not correctly configured to play Russian retreat sounds (because we didn't have any). Were you to include them in this addon they would not work sad_o.gif so if you can find any post them here.


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Good point, Zay. I'd love if I could be a teeny part of the awesome mod that is ECP. You could do a helluva better job than I do.

v1.1 is basically finished, I'm just running missions with large numbers of units to try and make sure there's no Russo-US chat going on, and that the arrays are all tidy and whatnot, though I'm having trouble hearing what units are saying what, so I've reverted to using invisible targets.

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sounds good cant wait for this.

Also if i wanted to add my own sounds could i just add them to the .pbo in the right folders then add its file name into the .sqf file where we need to copy and paste all that writing for this version to work?

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Bombastic work my friend.

This is exactly what I hope to get working, but if possible substitute Russian for Vietnamese chatter, and update the us for 'Nam style banter.

Then incorporate ambient audio too.

Just found this thread and is exactly what I was leaning towards doing.

Only prob is your addon is downloading at 7oo bps !

Is there another server that I can get my hands on this ?

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Ah blast, eh mate. Try my v1.1 download. Go to the thread and look for another mirror - it's about halfway down the page.

Thanks for the kind words, eh. If you need help with replacing voices, I can give you a hand.

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Good man,I got it and its some freakin good stuff in there mate.Have a beer!

I'll maybe take you up on the offer of help too.

I had a quick look to see the makings and happily noticed its a standard pbo - Great, its my AO, so to speak.

I'll probably be a while getting all of the Viet clips together as the'll be a right XXXX to find!

Thanks again for the offer McDonald, and congratulations on a job well done.I can well appreciate the time and frustration that goes into these .ogg's and configs not to mention the searching for usable clips.

SouthSaturnDelta  smile_o.gif

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Yeah, I directed him there - last post of the second last page. Thanks anyway, Shinbusan.

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I might add some wounded sounds too.

Stuff like the screams of guys that are hit.

This may give a more adult slant to the conversion though.


Lots to compile.

What do you plan doing next McDonald ?

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At the moment, I'm working on an elusive yet highly regarded ( tounge2.gif ) project called Operation FacePlant. While it has yet to have a thread concerning it, it's getting pretty close to being alpha status. Problem is that the motivation just isn't there sometimes, knowing AA is just around the corner, and FacePlant won't have a place in there.

Once AA comes out, I'm likely to ditch the whole thing and work on making a far better campaign than BIS will include. (I'm looking forward to making missions again, rather than simply editing addons).

EDIT - I like your idea very very very much!

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