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small admin?

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MY dedicated server was merrily sitting there, doing nothing. The machine was running GR server as well, and the GR started to do stuff, it was my freinds logging in to play. That's nice, I thought.

Then I looked at the output from my OFP dedicated server. I see someone log in, well, they are welcome to it; it's not a player i recognise, but hey, I'm charitable.

Then one of the guys logs in as admin. Hello, how did they know the P/W?

So, I fire up the game on my client machine, and log into my own server. These two chaps are in mid game, so ask them, in chat, what they are doing. He replies; I'm showing my freind OFP.

I ask him how he logs in as admin. He says he doesn't need a password. He says he's 'small admin' He asks if i want him to quit the server, but I tell him he's free to carry on. Him and his mate are in there now as I type, 15 minutes after they first logged in.

Is there a minor admin function I'm not aware of, maybe assigned by voting?

Oh, while I remember, this happened yesterday too. I saw them log in. Concerned, I closed the server and changed the admin password. Now it seems to have happened again. I've got a screenshot from in game of the guys profile and a copy/paste of the server console output. Game is version 1.96.

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Yes you can vote an admin.

A voted admin can`t lock the server or shut it down but he can kick players and start the game.

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The voted admin can be recognised if you're on the server by a lack of a * at the start and end of his (admin) tag.

If you're worried about voted admins, you could either disable voting by setting the server config's voteThreshold above 1 or by passwording the server alltogether.

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How did I miss that? Is it not well documented?

Anyhow, thanks for your replies and explanations. Much appreciated.

Tanky -Paul-

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Just remeber its a common thing in ofp for users to vote an admin.

But at anytime if you want to have your admin status back you can use your login and admin password to take the admin back then they wont have it and you will then have full admin.

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Yeah, that's not something bad, I am often a voted admin but just to get the game started and ensure it keeps running nicely, not to abuse the server.

I say get used to it, it's actually something good for the players. smile_o.gif

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