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Machine guns

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Here's the idea:

Soldiers carrying machine guns or automatic weapons with bipods should have the ability to deploy a bipod and mount their weapons on a wall or table or the ground. This would make the guns much more stable and thus allowing the shooter to easily provide large volumes of accurate fire to take out enemies whether it's an ambush, raid, or defense, or if it's for covering teammates.

This also brings me to suggest that more than one machine gun for each side be modelled so we can have a bit more variety to choose from. M60s, M240s, M249s, PKMs, RPKs, are all very widely used throughout the world and it would be nice if there are more machine guns to choose from. A good way to sort things out is to make different classes of machine gunners such as light machine gunner (RPK and m249), medium machine gunner (m60, m240, PKM), or something similar to that.

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yeh and also what i find is really rare these days, are realistic magazines for the M249 for example.

what i mean is, that the belt should get shorter when you come to like your last 10 rounds, and gradually get shorter and shorter as you use rounds, until RELOAD!!

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I agree with both and especialy like SHWiiNG's idea.

As far as I remeber at Amerikas Army there is this thing and I really liked it.It surely add bonus to realism factor of the game.

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i really hope to see machine guns firing accurately modelled. in all their deadly attributes - recoil, damage, ROF, effective range, bipod on objects/ ground,etc.

plus accurately represneting al ltheir weaknesses - best used when deployed prone, bipod, mad recoil based on stance, set up time, heavy, bulky, fatigue, weight in ammo, etc.

no game has quite got this right.

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