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Hidden Selection

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I am very interresting by multinational military cooperation, as we can look it in Bosnia, Kosovo or Afghanistan. But I see tooa problem: many addons have the IFOR motion on vehicule and armored, or NFOR, or KFOR...

Why don't use hidden selection as OFrP addons which able to have many different mission with ONE addon.

A think for a common hidden selection for addons to have many choise of mission with multinational force.

It's just an idea, what do you think about?

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That is a good idea. The Lowlands Warrior YPR-765 addon has such a hidden selection and is defined double in the config cpp, once as a bare version on which the hidden selection may be used by adding an appropriate text in the init line, and once with NFOR markings. The former version allows for other kind of markings to be added, the second version is for ease of use by those who do not (wish to) know much about fiddling in the mission editor.

It might be an option to collect various markings, such as IFOR/SFOR/KFOR/NFOR/ISAF/TFF etc signs or NATO tactical symbols, into a separate single file for general usage. That way they do not need to be included into individual vehicle addons. Also it would not be necessary to download an entire MOD just to use a particular marking or to start up OFP with more files than strictly necessary due to dependencies.

This could be extended to include patches and armbands for soldiers as well, eg having armalettes with ISAF patches in neutral olive/tan or a selection of camouflage patterns so that the soldiers of a multinational force in a mission all carry appropriate recognition marks.



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