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-=RA=- DarkMan -Pvt-

Mission Objectives

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Hi Everyone!

Nearly finished my first mission thanks to all the help from this forum...but now I need to know one last thing to complete it!

How do you set up mission objectives in the briefing/debriefing section? I've managed to create triggers OK for my objectives, but how do I configure them properly?

In my map, the two objectives are to assassinate a character then blow up some choppers - how do I get the ticks to appear once these have been carried out?

Also, I had to create individual triggers for each of the 5 helos to be destroyed as they were empty unitson the map and hence could not be grouped - is that right?

Look forward to hearing from you


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Have you tried

not(alive ManToAssasinate) and not(alive Heli1) and not(alive heli2) and not(alive heli3) and not(alive heli3) and not(alive heli4) and not(alive heli5) in one trigger? I think that should work.

I think you will find what you want to know if you download the briefing help from -----> The mission editing section <-----

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You might think that looks a little stupid, I mean that you will probably find out what you wanted to know about the briefing when downloading the file from mission editing section, not the triggers...(you probably understood that anyway but...*can´t think of anything good to write here*).

Anyway I hope the trigger stuff helped and I hope you find what you want to know in that briefing file.

I love my keyboard, typing feels so good Im gonna have trouble finnishing this post :-P

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