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addaction commands as shouted commands?!

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Hey there!

First of all I wish you all a "Happy new year!".

Yesterday I did play around with the line script for the CWmod a bit (done by majoris23) and I have to say I like it! I added 2 other addactoin commands for I felt I would like to have them: one was a "sholder arms" command and the other was a "ready arms" command. But somehow they don't really work as well as the originals. Especially when you let the soldiers crouch down then tell them to stand up again and then give the sholder arms command they just refuse to leave the damn guns on their shoulders (can't really figure out what I'm doing wrong - but then again I'm a bloody beginner when it comes to scripting and editing - and without the guidance from the excellent work of majoris and some other guys out there I wouldn't have been able to do anything at all). Another thing I was starting to wonder: isn't it possible to make use of shouted orders when executing those commands like stand, crouch, and so on? Is there a was to implement that and exchange the radio commands in any way with more suitable ones for the civil war timeline? I don't know if anyone can help in any way (but I looked around and was unable to find a tutorial to help here).



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not putting guns back on the shoulders after telling them to stand up is usualy caused by them being still in combat mode or aware. AI will only place weapons in safe mode when told condition safe.

Main proble is making usable commands for units because the wording is commonly unit SOP level type things and vary between units and even service branches. Even in the us military the gargon is different between braches you sometimes need translaters between Army and Marines and Air force.

Shoulder arms and ready arms are commonly used in formation slated use with units usualy drill and ceremony or firing squad.

If you degsiganate these to only appear durring safe mode should correct most of the problems. But we know OFP AI think for themselfve 90 % of the time which makes things diffcult to setup.

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Hey Bobcat!

Thank you for taking the trouble to read through my post and you answer. I tried to put the soldiers to careless with the setbehaviour command but they keep switching back.

I'm sure the thing with the commands in modern times is as you say (I wouldn't know that - interesting thing though!) but I guess during the American Civil War (1861-1865) those troubles weren't so great. Because as it is I try to make the formation and commandscripts for that period (to work with American Civil War MOD or with the upcoming House Divides Mod) to capture the warfare style of that time when soldiers stood sholder to sholder shooting their singleshot muskets and so on.


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The other thing about safe mode (and I'm not sure if CWMod have managed to work around this) is that in safe mode, the AI units lose formation. They just sort of straggle along behind the leader.

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No the problem with the strange behaviour of units in save mode has alreay been challended in a line script so they are not breaking formation and stay put. I even managed to do another script that forces 'em into march formation (in line of twos) - although I'm still having trouble with a few things there (f.e. I have to make 2 different line and 2 different march scripts two or em for facing north and two of em for facinv south - somehow one alone doesn't work if you f.e. have made it for groups facing north and somehow change the leader facing a different direction if f... up the whole formation - hence the 2 different scripts - I'm not sure what goes wrong there).


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I did it with the help of bigus_dicus! So the answer is YES custom shouted commands are possible when executing addaction commands! It is not even that difficult when someone helps and points you in the right direction wink_o.gif

I'm still fighting with the shoulder weapons command those damn soldiers just will not keep the weapons on their shoulders (allthough I used the setbehaviour "careless" command) - they just put it on the shoulder and remove again the very next moment... - ...I think I have 'em all court-martialed and shot next time they do it...

I think it might have something to do with them being set to "aware" and "combat" mode when the addaction command "stand up" or the addaction command "crouch" is being executed. It might be that the units can not be set back to "careless" mode with the addaction command "shoulder arms". Any thoughts?huh.gif

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