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Hammer & Sickle Demo

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Got a good hour or so of play so far. Pretty good stuff all in, especially if you enjoyed Silent Storm and Sentinels. Some of the issues from its predecessors remain, but a lot seems to have improved. I think the biggest change is with the AI. They're a little better at flushing you out of cover, flanking you, and just plain being a pain. tounge2.gif They also no longer fall for the old trick of funneling them one by one through a chokepoint. Now they regroup, and wait for you if there's only one way in or out. thumbs-up.gif

Some pretty decently fleshed out dialogue and backstory, too. And it's still as much fun as ever to blow shit up. biggrin_o.gif

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And the full game is supposed to feature more jagged alliance'ish campaign too.. yay.gif

Have not played the demo yet but if it's any better than silent storm it's great. yay.gifyay.gif

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A pretty boring demo IMO, but the game seems very promising nonetheless! Too bad the interface is just like Silent Storm, would have much preferred a new one with some better overview of cash, equipment and things like that.

It does however seem to be a great game, much more so than Silent Storm. Can't wait for release smile_o.gif

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