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Sgt.Fist *SBS*

squad.xml logo

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Ok, i DL'ed your squad.xml and your logo.jpg, after peeking in it, ive got some questions.

1) where is your squad.dtd and squad.xsl?  (both need to be in the same loactaion as the .xml and .jpg

2) i downloaded your sqaud.xml off of http://www.fistsbs.btinternet.co.uk/squad.xml  but when i opened it up it says;


erm, which is your squads website? squad.xml points to where all your markup is located.

So, if you use the btinternet.com site or geocities.com you need to have your squad.xml reflect this.  And you need to have the 4 necessary files in that location as listed by the squad.xml ..

you need to first fix your squad.xml to say your markup is on the btinternet site and then upload the 2 missing files (bobthedead@home.com and ill email to you). then make sure all the guys in your squad have ther correct site (same as the squad.xml is located at) in their user info in crashpoint...


(EDIT: i relooked at the btrinternet site about 15 minutes later and found the .xsl and .dtd. your problem is in the squad.xml needs to say <web>http://www.fistsbs.btinternet.co.uk/squad.xml</web> and all of your memeber have to change their info to say the correct url)

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dload squad-xml.zip from my dload siggy below, it's the only full read me on the web

and like he said you need those other files, and gecities suck but it does work with them

the files you need are in the zip, just upload the two you dont have to your server and it should work

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you mean in game?

it wont show on the web page it's self unless you add a few lines to the xsl file

also the pic file size is double the size of all of ours and has poorer resolution, email me the origonal and I'll fix it for you

if you care to add other data like MSNM let me know, adding the pic to the page is advanced HTML/XSL so you might need help, if so I'll just alter the file off the web and email it to you

let me know if you want it done

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I'm having the same problem that Sgt.Fist is having.

All the text diplays fine, but my logo doesn't appear. Its just a white box when you look at the info on my name.

I did everything step by step in your zip file you made. But for some reason, my logo will not display. Does the picture itself have to be named logo.jpg? Or can you name it to squadlogo.jpg or picture.jpg etc?

Also does the xml and the rest of the files have to be on the root dir on the web server? Or can you put them all in a sub dir on the web server like //webserver/opf/ ?

Any help would be greatly appreciate smile.gif

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I have placed all my files in a subweb on my server and have no problems. I believe that your logo has to be named logo.jpg just like a custom face has to be called face.jpg. I think the code in the game looks for that file name. Try it and see if it works....

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you can name the logo any thing really, just be sure to set it the same way in the XML under <picture>whatever.jpg</picture>

Paint Shop Pro 7 should save in the correct format at 128x128 in JPG

if you use some thing else then it's adding or deleting info for the jpg to work properly

Photo shop suxs

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Thanks Malboeuf and Sgt. Rock smile.gif

My logo seems to work now 99% of the time, but I've noticed a weird quark and was wondering if you could help me out smile.gif

Sometimes I will go onto a Server and I've noticed that my logo in my info is someone elses logo. I.E I played on the MIT server to test out my new logo and it displays the MIT Squads logo and not mine. But when I played on the Frag Haus Server it was ok, my logo was displayed fine.

Any idea why it would display the other Squads logo and not my own? I've had this happen twice.

Any help wouyld be greatly appreciated.

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I forgot to add one things wink.gif

Can you change the name from squad.xml to like no_pulse.xml? And would you have to change the rest of the files like Squad.dtd and Squad.xls?

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Yes you can change the name of the .xml-file and then the .xls and .dtd must be renamed to the same name.

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got the very same problem sad.gif.  If I try different server, sometimes it will show some time it wont.  If I make my own game It work 100% of the time but if I join like Fraghaus server only the stats will display.  Some servers will work, but other wont show at all.



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OK nevermind I think found the problem. I changed image editing software and recompress the jpg file and now as far I know I make it visible almost at any host.  Computer science is just stupid sometime.

and note to nopulse: I know what u mean when u have logo of someone else. Thats because someone have been using logo.jpg as well. It happend to me and only way to get around of this is to rename your jpg file to something more unique.

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could someone help me with the logo problems..

it worked before

i save it uncompressed and still not there


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