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HOW DO YOU BEAT Red Hammer mission ALAMOE??!!

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almost all the levels are annoyingly impossible to beat! now im stuck on this one (the one where you have to set up ammo crates and fences and other shit). i've gotten to the 4th wave, the one with the shit load of M-60's comming and i cant stop'em i can get one or two if i'm lucky but i always get killed sad.gif

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Restart and set your defences up more effectively, use the busted russian tanks as road blocks (by using the functional BMP to push them into position), place ammo crates containing AT4 missiles in the south and south-eastern part of the village so that after shooting a missile after the tanks that shows up, you can quickly get a new. Place 2 satchels to the south of the village on the road there (but not too far out, something like 35-50m, you want the first abrams to drive over it). Place all but one of the mines in line just south of the road going east so that they follow it eastward, then place the last mine just south of the southernmost house to the left of the road going south (when looking south yourself). Lastly, block the southern exit with 2 wires, block of all access from the east with wires and empty trucks (note that the small fences on the east side can't hold a M60 back so also place wires there), block the western part of the town with the busted tanks and park the BMP in safety in your camp in the north part.

Now blow up the first M1A1 that comes with the 2 satchels. The M60s in the second wave should be blown up by the mines, clean up with your AT4. Now quickly place a few satchels on the road going east so that there is a good chance that the fourth wave will pass over them. Then get in the BMP as the driver and order another spetz natz in as the gunner, clean up all the black ops that gets dropped to the east and north(should be 5 in total), then head to the south road (avoid any remaining mines) and engage the two M113s (one should be blown up by the mine you placed in front of the house, if not, waste it with a sabot round), clean up any soldiers that unloaded, watch out for AT soldiers. get back to the camp and park the BMP, pull back all your men and order them to hide in the camp with a hold fire order for the AT soldiers. Detonate the satchel trap when the M60s pass and clean up with AT4s, then pull back to the chopper.

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i just dumped stuff every where i put mines in the rong place so i used my at4with ammo carte by me and single handedly wiped out evey guy on the mission, had screen shot.

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Red hammer is better than the original. Better weapons, and u get to shoot yanks. That mission is relatively easy. there is a shilk, repair it and stick someone in it. Block of gaps and mine certain areas, use satchel charges for the first wave. wink.gif

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That was one of the best missions in Red Hammer, but disturbingly Rambo-esque. Once those tanks wandered into the village I was shooting fish in a barrel.

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You all are missing the easiest way to beat this mission. The first wave is a single M1A1, so all you have to do is steal it. How? Simple. You block off the main south road after it gets into the town a bit, and place a satchel charge on each side of the tank (you have to play with the distances a bit). When the tank moves in, detonate the charges, and it'll damage the tank enough for the crew to bail. Kill the crew, get your repair truck over there, repair it, and you've got yourself a brand-new Abrams. It makes very short work of the M-60's and APC's. Simply get in as driver, and get a gunner. You'll be unstoppable. Oh yes, and it also helps to put someone as gunner in the Shilka. He'll take care of the Blackhawk that drops some Black-Ops troops.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Dr Jekyll @ Jan. 22 2002,13:14)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I wonder where you got enough ammo for the AT4 for that.<span id='postcolor'>

While only one of the three ammo crates have the actual AT4 weapon, their are two crates with AT4 ammo:) I destroyed all the tanks with AT4 except for the m1a1. I used three satchels in virtually the same place to send that m1a1 literally flying right through the town. Miraculously, the crew somehow survived and was waiting for me when I got out of the two story building where I detonated the satchels. Made quick work of them, it was pretty smooth sailing with the AT4 weapon.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (DarkPraetorian @ Feb. 02 2002,04:55)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I still think stealing the Abrams is the best way to do it.<span id='postcolor'>

I quite agree, I originally tried the BMP and AT4 method, and then went the M1A1 route.....and it was a piece of piss.

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I just beat that mission last night....it wasn't to hard......nothing up to this point of red hammer has been very hard at all.....what I did with the last wave is at the start I planted an ammo crate inside the house on the right facing the south....so I sat in the house looking out a window's with my AT4...see an m60 go by kill it take another AT4 reload and kill the next.....only got killed like twice doing this.. biggrin.gif

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M1A1 would be the way to go, instead of satchels though just make a path at the front of town, use two fences in a slightly spread pattern so that the Abrahms will take the only route available to it, ie between the fences, lay one mine and it will do enough damage to disable it, i found the satchels a bit too much for this, kill the crew when they jump out and etc etc bobs yer uncle. Only thing is i preferred to do it the Rambo way ie using AT4's and my AKSU and a stolen LAW, finished that Red Hammer in a few days, long nights i may add, i thought it was good but the ending was dissapointing..........Been better if you helped GUBA nuke the Yanks hehehe

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Don't destroy M1A1. Put three mines on the road and wait. When the crew disembarks, kill them, then bring repair truck to the abrams and repair the tank. Then enjoy.  smile.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"> i thought it was good but the ending was dissapointing..........Been better if you helped GUBA nuke the Yanks hehehe <span id='postcolor'>

Yeah, what's the point in having a soviet campaign if you are gonna fight with the yankees at the end?? That sucks!! I bought Red Hammer cuz i was tired of wasting russians and wanted to kick some capitalist butt!

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simply put mines every where they will blow them selves up and then dont forget the bmp has an at3 on it so fire that and heat much better against tanks and that should easly take care of them.

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