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Lockheed Martin-ch

Mapfact Nogova Mine Ltd

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[ 23.10.05 / Nogova Mine Ltd, big release ]


All started with a rework order from Chneemann to Lockheed Martin$ch. He sould update the textures and remove some bugs of the mining vehicles, which at that time were developed by jos and MP-Studio. But how it is, this simple task was getting a large order, which is celebrating its finish today.

Release contains:

MAP MineVehicles V2.0

MAP MineWorkers V1.0

MAP Heaps V2.0

Read the full News here


Have fun wink_o.gif


Lockheed Martin$ch

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Great, new stuff from Mapfact is always most welcomed, specially civilian stuff to add flavor/variety to missions thumbs-up.gif

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Great additions to my already buldging Mapfact addons folder.  I have three questions however:

1) Is this picture from your "to be released" mapfact Nogova.


2) If the answer to Q1 is yes, will it have the same road and building layout as ver 1.22. (so as not to interfere with already made missions.

3) Is there any mine ambience sounds in the editor as i can't seem to find one. It would be great to have some kind of sounds as these areas are quite noisy.

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@ Mr Reality

1) No, this picture is from Drikar island, the island on which Chneemanns mission Undercover will take place.

2) The real Mapfact Nogova (not the one made by T.S.C.Plage but the one that Sniping-Jack is working on) will be based on the Nogova island by BIS. It has nothing to do with MAP-Noe and so the infrastructure will be based on Nogova by BIS. It should be possible, to play missions made for BIS-Noe on Sniping-Jacks Nogova. (Hope it wasn't too confusing)

3) This is a very good idea, but in this version there are no ambience sounds included.

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Found this small bug


EDIT: I like all the addons that Mapfact comes out with but to be honest, the textures on these vehicles are not as good as other Mapfact addons and the wheels look like stop signs.

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Nice stuff, Martin. smile_o.gif

Had the same texture-issue with the two worker types.

Would like to see more rusty textures for the loading spaces of the trucks.

BTW: the V3S Transport has grenades on board???

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very nice update to the old mining company pack  smile_o.gif

But i found one bug in it when i use these codes taken from the readme <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">This Animate ["Open_Hollow",1]

Type this in the init line to tip out the hollow

This Animate ["Close_Hollow",0]

Type this in the init line to retract the hollow

they don't work. the truck just stands there and doesnt open or close the hollow :P ive tried to use a empty truck a truck with a civilian inside the driver seat and used triggers to try activate it but it didn't work. Only thing i haven't tried is scripts biggrin_o.gif but im guessing that this was supposed to work with init line field..  Anyways other than that really nice addon, i really enjoyed using the sand and gravel and ore and earth heaps as ramps when i did some crazy jeep and truck stunts biggrin_o.gif  Also got inspired for a small CTF mission where i could place some heaps for players to use as cover and for driving jeeps , motorcycles on. Makes for perfect fun trying to flip the jeep over or doing a wheelie in the air biggrin_o.gif

btw also discovered when i had ECP mod turned on that when i blow up one of the Ural 4320 Dumper trucks it left a big ecp crater but the other trucks did not leave any craters. If that was a bit hard to read, just one of the ural trucks left a crater after being destroyed. I thought that was only to happen with armor units in ecp biggrin_o.gif but it looks cool anyways so its no biggie biggrin_o.gif don't remember exactly wich ural dump truck that did it.. tounge2.gif

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He means "Nogova made by (a member of) Mapfact," not your Mapfact Nogova, which was a "Nogova with (a lot of) Mapfact addons."

Don't worry, mano, I'm still loving your island! Now we just need to see if Sniping-Jack can go one better...

PS. Please let there be military bases using Baracken on the new one, or I'm going to cry.

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Well, it seems that I have to make some things right:

There is not any work on an island called "real Mapfact Nogova"! That's simply an internal missunderstanding!

As a result no one will blame T.S.C. Plage!

He did an excellent work with Mapfact Nogova!

There is nothing more to say, ok?!

There's simply no reason to think about wishes for a new island. The only new island that Mapfact will release soon is "Drikar-Island" from Chneemann.

I hope all missunderstandings will be cleared now.  icon_rolleyes.gif

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Quote[/b] ]real Mapfact Nogova (not the one made by T.S.C.Plage but the one that Sniping-Jack is working on) will be based on the Nogova island by BIS.

But... but... but...!!! sad_o.gif

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There is not any work on an island called "real Mapfact Nogova"! That's simply an internal missunderstanding!

Phew!!!!!. I thought it was strange when Lockheed Martin$ch said it will be based on BIS Nogova. As Mapfact Nogova is err....based on BIS Nogova...I'm glad you cleared that up sniping-jack, you had me worried that there might be some internal ranglings going on within Mapfact, and we can't have that can we..... biggrin_o.gif

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