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Tail Rotor Fail

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Ok, this looks super cool, and it works great but....

class EventHandlers : ECP_EventHandlers



_this exec ""\ECP_Effects\tail_rotor\tailrotor_client.sqs"";

_this exec ""\ECP_Effects\tail_rotor\tailrotor.sqs"";

_this select 0 exec ""\nmod_effects\planefire.sqs""";

It engages way to soon. What can I do to make it wait until theres more damage? Also, I want it to explode on impact with the "killed" handler. How do I go about that??

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Bearing in mind I'm coming in after a fairly long hiatus from OFP, but couldn't you add a check in either the eventhandler (not sure about this bit, as I haven't played with them before), or in the script fired by said event handler? Just something that checks if the damage value is above, say, 0.7?

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well, If you'd like a rotor failure script working as "killed=" you have to do some modifications inside ECP scripts , but to avoid being confused, it would be better that you use an extra tail rotor fail sqs/sqf that you'll activate as "EH/killed="

ECP rotor tail failure scripts are based on GMR ones,

so, download this file.

and put it into your \addons\ folder.

then add the following line to your Helicopter's class EH

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> killed="[_this select 0] exec ""\GMR\check_dammage_chopper.sqs""";

This script activates craters for choppers once destroyed, dust and water effects as well. (better than ECP ones though).

Kind Regards


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