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Video settings.

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I thought this game would run better when I upgraded my computer, but it hasn't. I will give my system specs below and was wondering if anyone with a similar system could tell me what video and maybe even sound settings their running so I can compare. Maybe I'm just missing something.

P4 3.06 cpu

2x512 of dual channel Kingston ram

ATI X700 video card running ATI driver

80gig SATA drive with 8mg cache at 7200rpm.

WinXP Pro.

Video settings:


refresh rate:75

All options under refresh rate are disabled.

Brightness: 1.2

Gamma: 1.7

Frame rate: 14.28

Visual quality: 6.18

Visibility: 2501

Terrain detail: Normal.

Ok, all I want is to play a smooth game. I will sacrifice quality as much as I have to to play smooth. Are these settings ok? Have I buggered something up somehow? Or should I just overclock the hell out of everything until it smokes? Lol. Any suggestions would really help.

Thanks, Southpaw.

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Decrease terrain to low, reduce visibility to 1500M, launch OPFR preferences and reduce texture resolutions.

cockpits- 1024x1024

objects- 1024x1024

landscape- 512x512

Prior to trying these you should try to find older or even omega unoficial video drivers, all latest drivers seem to screw up OPFR's performance, i cant really recomend you any specific version because i have a nvidia card.

If all fails join the torture group waiting for ARMA like most of us are sad_o.gif .

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I prefer smoothness rather than pretty too.I also have a PIV 3 Gig CPU

Lowering your "Terrain Detail" another notch ,will prolly gain you the most performance.

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Prior to trying these you should try to find older or even omega unoficial video drivers, all latest drivers seem to screw up OPFR's performance, i cant really recomend you any specific version because i have a nvidia card.

Man, i have the nvidia's 78.01 driver installed on my GeForce 6600Gt and my OFP is very, very sloooooow... sad_o.gif

With previous drivers i didn't have this problem. Can you help me ?


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Man, i have the nvidia's 78.01 driver installed on my GeForce 6600Gt and my OFP is very, very sloooooow... sad_o.gif

With previous drivers i didn't have this problem. Can you help me ?


Yes, i also have a 6600GT and am using FW 78:01 and OPF:R performance isnt great but its playable, with this video card i had great performance and FPS using 6x:xx FW driver versions but unfortunetly my system crashed so they werent very stable for me, try those out and see how it goes, increasing your refresh rate and enabling vsync may also make your gameplay feel "smoother".

Boa sorte smile_o.gif .

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dont concentrate just on the video card related stuff.

Check Audio Settings aswell, try enable or disable audio hardwareacceleration. Check if you have the latest drivers for your sounddevice. It seems that sound should have nothing to do with gfx performance, but since directx it has great influence.

Other thing is viewdistance 2500 combined with a high or normal terrain setting. Greater viewdistance = more terrain you see and this in high settings. Hard for CPU.

I also think 1500 is a good value to start with, in my missions i mainly use viewdistances between 900 (default viewdistance) and 1200. Fog is added extra btw.

The visual quality value of 6.18 is performance maximized, and allows the gameengine to reduce objects with maximum grade. Not nice to look at. try 8.20 or better 9.21.

Framerate 14.28 means that the engine should try to run the game in this frame, with your system you should defenitly use 20.40.

The texture settings are something you have to experiment with. It also depends what you like and what not. In a pure Infantry mission a high cockpit texture setting doesnt have any effect at all. Objects textures are the addons and objects and should be as high as possible, not just to honour the extreme texturing skills of some community members, also to make it look good for yourself, you got a new comp and you have the right that it look better then before.

The landscape textures settings also depends on what you wanna play, low as possible for some air dogfight action, as infantry man it should be high as possible.

mine are at full value at cockpit and objects and 1024*1024 at landscape all the time.

Other thing is that it really depend on the mission played.

i test usually with c:battlefields sp mission. If my machine handles this one most others should be playable without any further tweaking on settings.

Good Luck.

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