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AI speed restriction due to other AI

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One side effect of the Multi-gun scripting for various vehicles is AI pilots and sailors doing a "Go-Slow".

Seems that when anyone is manning scripted multi-gun vehicle the AI drivers go slower (about half max speed) than normal. This is not apparent on Aircraft but certainly effects Choppers and Ships. Empty guns have no negitive effects.

My initial thoughts are its the driver being "careful" around other vehicles in close proximity but.....

I have notice though that if your leader one of these vehicles are in your own formation and you move ahead at speed, the AI pilots go slow initially and then suddenly ("Oh! Im being left behind!") increase to normal speed to catch up. Once this action ( ? ) has been triggered in the AI, they then travel at normal speeds from then on.

I've tried to recreate this action with various setbehaviour's and other type commands without success.

My questions are;

- What do you think is causing the "go-slow" ?

- What is this action that the AI are self triggering ?


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did you set maxleadspeed ?

what about posting (parts) of your config ?

groups of vehicles ordered move more slowly in general ..

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The AI's skill setting has alot to do with how they behave, a 0.5 skill unit will reload a tank shell at 1/2 speed, and maybe even move at 1/2 speed (Although I havent confirmed that part yet)

Edit: Actually, thats not the problem, I re-read the the opening post and it reminded me of way back when I had the same problem, if there is an object in close proximity to the moving vehicle the AI will automatically drive/fly 'carefully', causing them to move at half speed, if you can somehow adjust the object or the geometry of the object so its not too close or interfering with the pilot, then he wont be so cautious.

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<span style='font-size:12pt;line-height:100%'><span style='color:Darkred'> Eureka !!</span></span>

Thanks Korax, Q .... that helped me sniff it out.

While I had no actual objects in the Geo (it was empty) simply by deleting the Geo LOD the problem disappeared!

I was fully expecting an error with no Geo LOD but .... no problemo.

Thanks again guys. Off to make sure my ships now reach full speed too smile_o.gif

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