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1.42 BUG!!

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I notice a bug

If you use "this flyinheight X" in a chopper init field, that's do not work anymore, unless if to put a waypoint.

And a chopper cannot switch next waypoint if you change his original altitude! (I try with 200m altitude), chopper turn around it can't reach waypoint anymore. THAT'S S*CK my HALO mission almost finish will finally finish to my trashcan

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in the init field, try using "this setpos[getpos this select 0, getpos this select 1, X]" where X is the height where you want it to fly at, and then the flyingheight thing in the next waypoint.

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I noticed that the FlyinHeight doesn't work that well anymore, too.

But when the chopper is too high or too low, it just adjusts... For me, anyways.

30 meters seems to be what the chopper likes to fly at.

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