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harley 3 1185

Island Federation

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Whenever somebody starts making addons such as the "Everon Defence Force" or "Nogovan Defense Forces", someone always asks;

How can these little islands sustain large military forces when they appear so lightly populated

Well, here's a solution (and I apologise if it's already been mentioned) and maybe someone would like to act on it;

The four islands featured in the Operation Flashpoint series so far; Malden, Everon, Kolgujev and Nogova are all part of a Federated Island Chain with a large mainland capital conveniently out of the scope of OFP's engine abilities. Thanks to Mapfact's Oil Addon one could say that these islands survive thanks to oil revenues and a subsequent strategic importance which attracts Western "Guardian" troops every so often. With Oilmen, Oil Tankers, troops and diplomatic envoys going to and from the islands, a semblance of realistic busyness (as opposed to the almost stagnant quietness) could be achieved. Each island gets a share of Oil revenue, which it spends on a dollar per dollar basis with the unseen government far-away to produce a small but effective military force of its own. The islands are semi-autonomous but will always be able to rely on the home government (wherever it may be) and NATO in case of Soviet/Russian attack.

Okay, so maybe that's just an early morning brain-storm, but maybe someone could make a mod where all the loose ends are tied up for once? biggrin_o.gif. In the meantime I'll continue to be amazed at the progress of the Everon Defense Force and wait for Arma :P...

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so these islnads are like colonies of some country?

sounds sensible. smile_o.gif

if theres an army for them,then why to name them only everon defense forces? Allied Islands Defense Forces-AIDF would be more sensible,or what?or we can imagine them as somekinda US colonies because US always goes to battle when theres a fight on these islands.

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I'd say it is more like the situation with the EU in Europe now.  They all have their own domestic political infrastructure and military to defend their land but the broad foriegn politics is handled by a central committee or parliment.  The interesting thing is they do a better job agreeing on policy and the method of the cooperative government than the EU does now.

Members can opt out of a partictular foreign policy like assisting the invasion of Russia or fighting the overweight capitalist scum.  However opting out of a majority political/military decision requires them to enact certain restrictions that limits or cuts off aid and military support, while also requiring strict neutrality and tough regulations on airport and seaport usage by navies and Air Forces.

I don't understand why they put Everon, Malden, Kolegjev, and Nogova near Europe.  The names relate to some parts of Europe but clearly the most likely realistic area where islands would be contested by the Russians is the Asian region.  Right up in the North part of the Sea of Japan.

That's my take on it, whatever its worth.

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Kolgujev should be considered hostile terroritory filled with terrorist because it looks so war-torn and detroyed pistols.gif

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Well, what i was thinking was each island is a province (agrarian, settled for a long time), so each has a "proud" history and is semi-independent. Therefore, each island has it's own military force, trained by the afore-mentioned (hidden) mainland power.

The problem with this is none of the islands have any dock facilities to speak of, and offhand i cannot remember whether any of the addonmakers have produced any versions with docks. Airlifting everything in seems unlikely as, alas, there are to my knowledge no real medium-lift aircraft and it's unlikely that anyone would go to the expense of airlifting tanks, aifcraft and the requisite ancillaries in.

Therefore, to the islandmakers and addonmakers, please make some more ships and islands with docks!

As to Kolgujev, it really does not seem to have much of a purpose. Maybe it should just be declared a wasteland and never used by anyone again? The only convenient aspect of it is it's size, which makes it useful for relatively large (and fierce) fire fights which I would never use on say Malden or Nogova.

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I always thought they were so lightly populated because larger cities would make the engine lag even more, no? whistle.gif

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