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Sky Scrapers

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hey whats up people i need to find some SkyScrapers anyone know were i can find them and also i dl Ocean City V. 1.5 and i want one of there buildings buts its not in the addons is there any way i can get it

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Well, two things.

1: A mod is going to come by and move this to addons discussion. whistle.gif

2: Check ofp.info. biggrin_o.gif

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3. Agent Smith made some cool ones. Look in OFP.info under Misc Addons or use the Search function.

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4. http://ofp.gamezone.cz/index.php?showthis=7579 smile_o.gif

5/edit. Is there any enterable skyscrapers? Like the ones in 4., but that you can go in? Even, a reception type area (Theres one if a few of the buildings), WYSIWYG's working lift up, and two floors at the top, with windows, a few work-desks etc, antoher could have some shops etc..

- Ben

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Please look around before making a new post to ensure your question hasn't been asked before and you're posting in the right place smile_o.gif

Moving to A&M:D.

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