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LST 54

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if u try u can actually land on this big thing , but u soon notcie ur chopper begins to 'bounce', unfortunately as soon as u step out of ur chopper u fall through the deck and drown , i realise the lst 54 was only designed as a large prop, from what i can see it could be simply a case of increasing the collision detection, then possibly troops could wander about the decks. i also noticed that at the front there is actually a large ramp and vehicle bay, when the 3d editor comes out it wouldn't take a huge deal of effort to turn it into a huge asssult craft, imagin that thing pullin up on the beach and abrams rolling out smile.gif

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You can also rearm at the LST. I had a screenshot about that and I could have posted it but I've deleted it.

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yeah i tried that, anyway theres an addon out there u can get that allows u to drive the LST54 unfortunately it doesn't do much else other than that, suppose its handy if ur having big chopper battles , the LST54 can then simply drive to where ever it is needed, by the way can it be destroyed/sank i haven't tried yet

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i tried landing all the vtol aircraft on the LST54 (even the yak)all could sit on the deck so long as their engine was still goin, heres my findings:

chinook-sank entire ship, quite cool looking,but still remained on deck surface.

hind-this too sank the entire ship

OH58- sank through the ship deck as soon as engines stopped.

blackhawk-this too sank through ship deck.

yak vtol-sank through ship deck sad.gif

Mi24-managed to remain on deck even after engines stopped, however major problem with it ''bouncing'' about on deck

Apache- this too managed to land safely but also ''bounced''

Cobra-same as apache

the blackhawk and oh58's sinking through deck supports my theory that this is a collision detection problem, prehaps there is some simple way of altering the values of its solidness, if not i' sure we can sort it out with the 3d editor when it comes out.

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it would also be possible to make its two guns useable you can have to rotating turrets on a vechicle note commanders seat on tanks and how sez the have to fire at the same time maybee if they tried to fire at the same time (unlikely) on can be donomate.

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I think the real problem is weight, the bigger the vehicle the mose the LST can't hack it being on it, you can submerge the LST but landing certain choopers on it, I also noticed you can rearm at it but it would be cool to also refuel at it... If you shoot the shit out of with rockets you make it move... I got the front end almost skywards cos of acceleration as it wizzed off into the distance due to missile fire confused.gif

anyway hope this has helped someone, maybey no one noticed also there are no docks big engough for it to pull alongside biggrin.gif (that i've found)

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (superfly_bonzai @ Jan. 18 2002,19:12)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">with that addon i was talkin bout earlier u can refuel and heal as well as rearming<span id='postcolor'>

I think I've used it, a pity you can't use the weapons yet or land on it smile.gif

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If you use that LST add on in a MPmission, do other players have the ability to drive the LST even though they did not download the add on? Will it download along with the mission? Or will it screw up the game for people who don't have it? TIA.

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Is there a url for the LST addon?

I too liked the idea of using its capacity for beach landings. Plus I thought it might be a good place for me to start experimenting with modding vehicles?


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someone is making/made an LST that is movable and has large guns.

The guns come from retextured Abrams with the hulls sunk into the ship.

There is also air defence for the ship which come from vulcan turrets

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I have ben on the LST countless of times but my helo dint sank thru the ship it pushed the ship down and after a certain point to the side and then i jumped out the water like a big fat whale biggrin.gif i have also walked on the denk a couple of times noth realy interesting there but in some mp i was sniper and was on eck nobody knew where i was biggrin.gif

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Does anyone know the answer to my question above? I wanted to make a MPmission using the LST addon, will it download along with the mission? If not, what happens?

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It won't download. If the others don't have it the mission will not work for them.

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