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WP Soldiers mini mod v0,4

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"lubawka" tactical vest has now 3d pockets, makes soldier looks more "bulky". (THANKS EBUD!wink_o.gif ;-) (but not on every model sad_o.gif )

soldiers have first aid kits :-)

new Semtex charges for Spec ops

new Wist94 pistol

and some other less important changes :-)

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WP soldiers? Sorry but what are those? Or what country etc? Never heard of em smile_o.gif .

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WP soldiers? Sorry but what are those? Or what country etc? Never heard of em smile_o.gif .

WP stands for Wojsko Polskie, Polish army ;-)

and WPS mod is about WP from 90'

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Not even at ,5 and still you have made quite an acceptional job on these smile_o.gif I've been playing with these quite a bit recently, it seems with each update comes more great things, thank you Offtime.

Nice touch adding the Wist and Semtex to the Spec Ops wink_o.gif

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this pack is really really really nice...only one thing, the AKM is like uhhh, tiny... you should seriously consider resizing that...other than the mini-akm, it's a great mini-mod...;) the PK is probably the best PK ever made for flashpoint, at least that ive seen

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WOW. best face textures ever made for OFP.

which head model is used ? are you using your own ?

just amazing.

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Good job, WP. I love the semtex effects.

Do you know: I was driver of UAZ. I ordered man in my group, using mouse, board my vehicle, and he was ordered "2 get in driver UAZ". You can order people in using the keyboard ("F2, 4, 2, 5"), but using the mouse wont work.

No problem using mouse to order "get in".

Edit: Meant to report that there is no problem ordering men into helo when player is pilot. rofl.gif

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this pack is really really really nice...only one thing, the AKM is like uhhh, tiny... you should seriously consider resizing that...other than the mini-akm, it's a great mini-mod...;) the PK is probably the best PK ever made for flashpoint, at least that ive seen

i will check this, thanks :-)

WOW. best face textures ever made for OFP.

which head model is used ? are you using your own ?

just amazing.

Quote[/b] ]facestex.pbo contains textures and scripts to use with head model made by Llauma.

Textures were taken from many various games and reworked to fit Llauma's model.

Scripts were written by Offtime from OFPL team.


Good job, WP. I love the semtex effects.

Do you know: I was driver of UAZ. I ordered man in my group, using mouse, board my vehicle, and he was ordered "2 get in driver UAZ". You can order people in using the keyboard ("F2, 4, 2, 5"), but using the mouse wont work.

No problem using mouse to order "get in".

this is probably becouse one of scripts used on it

i must check if i can fixt that

thanks for pointing this out :-)

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Few times yesterday when i ordered my group by mouse to get in UAZ, soldier who should get in as driver didn't get in. I will check if it is happened always.

Guys talk right. Every next patch is much better and I am amazed how fast you add new features smile_o.gif Keep up. Your Polish soldiers are lovely already.

I hope you add possibility to add unit patches and few colours of beret for officer. And please, add some grenade lanucher in near future.

Still, if you would eventually add steel helmets, it would be great feature, as you know, not every unit in '90 had kevlar ones.


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already checked

i have script that in case of driver death, takes one of passangers and place him on driver seat

but script has one issue

doesnt recognize if driver is dead or if theres any at all

i will make this script work smarter for next release

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Is there any way to add your own face like on normal BIS soldiers? Its annoying to see every 3rd soldier with the same face and it feels better to play with your own face instead of default ones.

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Quote[/b] ]and it feels better to play with your own face instead of default ones

Well for some that's true...some people though should just stick with the default faces. biggrin_o.gifwhistle.gif

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OFFTIME, Really nice polish troops, the texture, weapon pack and soldier models, all are amazing. The face pack is very interesting and I also would like to use it to the soldiers from other addons. Could you tell how to use it in mission editor??

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OFFTIME, Really nice polish troops, the texture, weapon pack and soldier models, all are amazing. The face pack is very interesting and I also would like to use it to the soldiers from other addons. Could you tell how to use it in mission editor??

sorry man, but without o2 editing theres no way to put those heads on other soldiers....

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One more query, whether would you also make some polish IFV and tank for those soldiers?? Currently, I have to use ORC's BMP and T-72 pack for your troops.

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These units looks awesome. Good work! smile_o.gif

A little question. What do you mean by "Mini mod"?

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I plan to use this minimod for some minimissions with my friends smile_o.gif We are all Polish and it will be cool to play as Polish soldiers (most of us were soldiers for real).

Could you say what you plan to add in near future?

P.S. And sorry for you know what you know where. I didn't think how you can feel it.

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These units looks awesome. Good work! smile_o.gif

A little question. What do you mean by "Mini mod"?

that im making only addons needed for campaign i have under construction

im not aiming into making whole polish army

so there will be no tanks and other stuff from me.

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These units looks awesome. Good work! smile_o.gif

A little question. What do you mean by "Mini mod"?

that im making only addons needed for campaign i have under construction

im not aiming into making whole polish army

so there will be no tanks and other stuff from me.

Ah, I see.

May I ask you, what your WP soldiers will be fighting againts in the campaign? pistols.gif

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against bad rebels on nogova

left overs of resistance that are unhappy seeing pro american goverment

Polish troops as part of NFOR stabilisation forces were send to nogova to bring peace in 1996 ;-)

campaign will tell story about three days of Operation Thunder.

And player will be able to play it as one of three characters.

i have such idea for now, but it can change, it will take me some time to finish it, i just started few days ago....


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So I guess, no chance for desert uniforms in WPS? Shame.

I really like idea you can really get in in chopper by rear door. But if I go inside, action Get in Mi8 in action menu disapear. Is this possible to change?

Am I right that all faces of specops (GROM and/or PSK / or some not existing anymore Special Companies?) are the same? They are nice but looks like ninja clones wink_o.gif Maybe Hitman brothers :P

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