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Change the side from GUER to WEST

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I know that this is a question that bin ask often!!

How do you Change the side of addons from GUER to WEST or EAST to West .....

So if enyone knows how! Please HELP!!!


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i'm not sure but in the config just switch the "GUER" text to "WEST", i don't know much about addon edditing so i hope this helps whistle.gif

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you can do it through your mission .sqm file, just open it with notepad, find that certain unit and change its side.

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thankx for the quik help notworthy.gif

But is ther any way how I can change it in other ways? I mean that the changes stay for ever!!

Cause I don't want to change everytime I make a new mission!!!

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Here is a tip...

While in group mode, drag a line from a west troop to a res troop (of higher rank. The res troop has to be higher in rank to be considered the leader of the group). Then make the "probability of presence" for the res troop 0%. This makes him disappear as soon as the mission is launched, yet makes all the people under his command on his side.


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More a question for Mission Editing than general.

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I could be wrong on this, but when I made a mission, a long time ago, I tried doing what the last speaker suggested, and everything seemed to work fine, but when I later tried it with some other units, who were hostile by default, the mission played out completely different, the enemy started shooting at us much earlier, and the mission became difficult almost to the unplayable.

It seems, when using the resistance commander thing, your soldiers do consider the enemy hostile, and act accordingly, but the enemy still thinks you're on his side, making him fire upon you only if fired upon himself. I noticed this with the older version of the FDF campaign, when the enemies were marked "green" on the map (for friendly), and your friends would only fire on them if fired upon.

The best working solution I think, would be to alter the side in the mission.sqm file, or do it in the addon's config.cpp file.

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