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About NavySeal?

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  1. NavySeal?

    BMI - International Blackops releas

    First off all great addon!! But I don't whant to be the kill off the party but I put out the bad addon but I still get the same problem!! And I wanna use this addon so bad! I haven't read all off the oher threads so if I missed somthing
  2. thankx for the quik help But is ther any way how I can change it in other ways? I mean that the changes stay for ever!! Cause I don't want to change everytime I make a new mission!!!
  3. NavySeal?

    Change the side from GUER to WEST

    thankx for the quik help But is ther any way how I can change it in other ways? I mean that the changes stay for ever!! Cause I don't want to change everytime I make a new mission!!!
  4. I know that this is a question that bin ask often!! How do you Change the side of addons from GUER to WEST or EAST to West ..... So if enyone knows how! Please HELP!!! thankx!!!!
  5. NavySeal?

    Change the side from GUER to WEST

    I know that this is a question that bin ask often!! How do you Change the side of addons from GUER to WEST or EAST to West ..... So if enyone knows how! Please HELP!!! thankx!!!!
  6. NavySeal?

    Radeon 9800 pro

    Since I had the Radeon 9800 pro 256 mb Opf runs slow. I have AMD 2600+, 512 DDR RAM, ASUS A7V8X. After a while the game crashed down and the only option is to shot down. If anyone know something please let me know.