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Weapon-preference for crewmen?

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Is it possible to set it so that crewmen of vehicles with weapons (such as tanks) choose a weapon depending on the type of threat that is encountered?

For example, is it possible to set it so that the commander of a BMP-2 commands his gunner to choose the 30-mm HE-round to fire at infantry and the 30-mm AP round at enemy tanks?



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Usually OFP itself chooses the weapon depending upon threads,tanks use the MG's on infantry and the heavy on vehicles,but sometimes this doesnt go quite right and a soldier can become a quick mess,btw its not a bump unless the threads a day old.

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Not on the BIS vehicles if I'm correct. The problem is that you need to 'reload' the other ammo. That can only be done by the player, when the vehicle runs out of ammo of one kind or if you can do this by script ect. I'm not a scripter, so I can't tell you how to do that.

If the HE and AP ammo are coded as a different weapon than you can just switch between them without reloading. If you code it correctly the AI will indeed switch between them to counter specfic threaths (HE against infantry and AP against tanks). Be sure to check out Sebastian Muller's BTR-T. If my memory serves me well this vehicle has the ammo coded as I discribed.



like said above tanks and APC's will most often choose the machinegun to attack infantry. If the infantry is too far away of sometimes just for some odd reason it will use it's main weapon to attack them. The BTR-T has no machinegun so it will allways use it's 30mm cannon.

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