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muzzle flash

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as far as i did get this by searching i need to define the p3d's in the class CfgModels.

do all p3d's need to be defined or only weapons, vehicles, units ?

Quote[/b] ]

class scud:Car {};

class mi17_hip:Helicopter {};

class a10:Vehicle {};

also i dont really get the system on what base class the p3d's need to based on ?


very much appreciated !

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you don't have to define anything there. but if you want to binarize your stuff you should define weapon models there (otherwise you'll get the muzzleflashbug), also vehicles (for working lights) or any other modell if you need hidden selections on it.

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argh banghead.gif

i am not into this very much and there are so much other things to take care of too whistle.gif

Quote[/b] ]

which means for wgl i need to add the p3d name of the vehicles weapons (especailly machine guns) - right ?

thanks !

Quote[/b] ]Exactly wink_o.gif

The p3d name -must- be defined in the CfgModel section to be sure there will be no problem.

the p3d names of weapons, vehicles, units , all should be present in this section of the config.

I don't guarantee it will solve all of your model problems, but it should really help for most of them.

response by Sanctuary yesterday.

what about if i would provide the related files and someone does take care of it ? that would be awesome thumbs-up.gif

i just cant post the files in public ...

thanks a lot !

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what about if i would provide the related files and someone does take care of it ? that would be awesome thumbs-up.gif

i just cant post the files in public ...

thanks a lot !

what do the files need? a CfgMoldes? that's not too hard to learn. just inherit it from the correct class, there are not many different (man, vehicle, weapon, ship, tank, car, helicopter, flag).

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