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Need help with a waypoint problem

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Need help with a waypoint problem

A small Team is moving to a waypoint ( Created in Mission Editor ) but then a radio message from HQ gets through to them so they have to stop ( I used dostop command ) and listen to it. after the message is finish I want the team to move on to the waypoint... is this possible ?

NB: The Player is a member of the team

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You can use the domove command. After the group stops, launch a script with,

Yourgroup domove ObjectID

The domove command is much less messy and can be more precise than waypoints.

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A friend helped me

dostop leader


Leader do follow leader

<----- this worked

I am sure the domove command worked but this is simple

And thanks for you help

Another question...

The team is now moving to a meeting point where they have to talk and get information from the resistance.. so I want the team to hold and then the leader to put his weapon on his back and go talk with the resistance leader

this is what I didt so far:


doStop Alpha1

doStop Alpha2


Alphaleader action ["WEAPONONBACK"]

Bravoleader action ["WEAPONONBACK"]

I dont know the command for moving to the resistance leader

I want my team leader to stand in front of the resistance Leader

Hope you know what I mean ?

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I supposed you're not using waypoints to move the dude next to the resistance leader, so try this:

Alphaleader domove [(getpos resistanceleader select 0), (getpos resistanceleader select 1) + 4))]

This sholud make your dude to move in front of the resistanceleader at a distance of 4 meters from him.

To make your script continue it's run when the dude reachs the wanted position, try:

@Alphaleader distance resistanceleader =< 4

Alphaleader dowatch resistanceleader

resistanceleader dowatch Alphaleader

The last two lines are usefull to ensure the dudes watch each other when speaking


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Okay Thanks

One problem though

Alphaleader just walk right into the Resistanceleader and moves him !

How do I stop Alphaleader when he is lets say 1.5 meters from the ResistanceLeader ?

Alphaleader distance resistanceleader <= 1.5 doStop AlphaLeader <--- Like this ?

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make trigger, 0x0 size,

condition: alphaleader distance resleader <=6 (less not really working cause ai tends to stop within 6m from other units)

activation: dostop alphaleader; dowatch resleader; dodrink beer

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