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Igla or Strela missile launcher

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Hi everyone,

I was wondering if anyone ever made one of those as an addon or if any person or mod team is working on it. I've searched for it everywhere but could not find anything. It seems as if almost every weapon from the original OFP has been re-done sometime by some addon maker (some more than others) except for the strela launcher. This is by no means a request for an addon...i'm just wondering if anyone ever started working on it or even released it.



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Guest The Cobra

We already have a Strela in the game  wink_o.gif

(East>Men>AA Soldier)

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I am working on an AA pack and so far I have done a Stinger, an SA-7 (9k32 strela), and an SA-14 gremlin. Now, the models are just modified BIS and the textures are the same too but I scripted them and gave them new configs and everything.

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Man that is some seriously good news! Really looking forward to a future release of your AA pack KyleSarnik! thumbs-up.gif

I'm curious about the new configs and scripts...could you perhaps give some more information about that?

Anyway really great news!

@The Cobra

I know we have one in the original OFP mate wink_o.gif I was talking about an addon that would replace the original one.


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I am working on an AA pack and so far I have done a Stinger, an SA-7 (9k32 strela), and an SA-14 gremlin. Now, the models are just modified BIS and the textures are the same too but I scripted them and gave them new configs and everything.

Damn you are a kewl person confused_o.gif

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Well after much research I learned ALOT aobut how each of these systems work and some (especialy the Stinger) are complicated when it comes to "reloading". IRL, a stinger AA missile comes in a disposable tube, called stinger Rounds, they consist of the missile, the tube, and the sight. The stinger is really two (well really three but I won't go into that) parts then, the Gripstock, which contains the IFF antenna, BCU receptacle, the firing trigger, and some other IFF system parts, and the stinger round, which is attached to the top of the gripstock. So reloading a stinger requires you to unlatch the entire missile round (the tube + sight) from the gripstock and then attack the gripstock to another round.

Ok, now you are probably all confused but the point is I was able to simulate this to what I think is acceptable for both realism and game play (it only takes a little bit longer to reload now). There are also some smoke effects as well and new sounds (duh) as well as new the new config with realistic damage values and more manuverability, so you no longer have to worry about your AA launcher being ineffective because now it is ALOT easier to hit your target and when you do you actualy get results (fixed wing usualy 1 hit kill, choppers usualy get knocked out with 1 hit). I also made new models for the missiles so if you happen to catch one comin' at you, you can think at least its not that ugly TOW model  tounge2.gif before you're aircraft is downed. I also corrected the stinger launcher model, and added a folded version for when its on your back (the sight and IFF antenna will fold up nice and neat for travel). I am hoping soon (with the help of a better modeler than me and a texture artist) to also make some stinger crates that will serve two purposes, ammo crates and also (I got the idea from the movie Navy SEAL's) used in your mission as a target or something that needs to be destroyed. And yes what I did to the stinger I also did to the SA-7 and SA-14, don't worry they also kick ass too, they are just easier to reload.

That enough information for you?  biggrin_o.gif

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Man that is just so totally awesome to hear! I don't know where to start wink_o.gif First of all I like the slightly longer loading time, it makes it more realistic and afterall that's what makes OFP such a great game. Second, i'm really curious about the new sounds and smoke effects. As long as they replace the original ones i'm all happy  biggrin_o.gif About the new missile models, excellent I always enjoy taking a screenie a second before impact  wink_o.gif Well theres just too much to mention here but i'm really really looking forward to your AA pack...especially to the folded version of the Stinger and to what you've done to the SA-7 and SA-14  biggrin_o.gif

Keep up the great work!


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A high beeping sound on the stinger when aiming on a plane or helicopter before you lock the missle would be very cool. That would make it realistic. smile_o.gif

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The VME mod has a Chinese AA Launcher that looks like an SA-18

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The VME mod has a Chinese AA Launcher that looks like an SA-18

Well thats because it probably is. The chinese do use ALOT of russian equipment and make changes to them and re-manufacture them. While doing research on AA launchers I found that the chinese use their own versions of the russian AA launchers that are supposedly the most effective MANPADS weapons that exist.

Edit: About the lock on tone, thats simply just not possible in OFP, there is no way to do it.

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looks like easy to make, harder part is finding good reference materials...


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And the picture you posted, is that from the VME mod or did you make it?

still making it

but as ive said, its hard to find good reference pics, so im improvising....


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I think it would be great if you could include an extra missile or magazine or whatever it is that had a 100% chance of hitting, or was as accurate as possible. I tried to script a cutscene where a chopper gets downed by a Strela, but it was a pain in the arse as sometimes it would hit, sometimes it would miss.

Just a thought biggrin_o.gif

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I think it would be great if you could include an extra missile or magazine or whatever it is that had a 100% chance of hitting, or was as accurate as possible. I tried to script a cutscene where a chopper gets downed by a Strela, but it was a pain in the arse as sometimes it would hit, sometimes it would miss.

Just a thought biggrin_o.gif

i had similar problem with car that had scripted gas leak, damn wreck sometimes was stopping in the middle of nowhere spoiling whole cutscene ;-)

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These weapons are very accurate but it is impossible to make them 100% accurate. At certian angles the missile is bound to miss no matter what, but I assure you that the missiles in my pack are ALOT more accurate than the default ones.

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point is that they shouldnt be too accurate, so keep them realistic somehow.

what Chops probably ment is that would be cool to have special ammo that will hit fo 99%, for making cutscenes, rocket with all stats regarding target tracking on highest level.

but that just for cutscenes ;-)

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point is that they shouldnt be too accurate, so keep them realistic somehow.

what Chops probably ment is that would be cool to have special ammo that will hit fo 99%, for making cutscenes, rocket with all stats regarding target tracking on highest level.

but that just for cutscenes ;-)

That's exactly what I meant thumbs-up.gif

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