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Just wondering

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It seems like alot of post get locked in here for asking questions, with the reply - They will release info soon -

Why post at all, if all you want us to do is wait till the info is released? I like coming here and reading the forums but it seems like my reading is always cut short by a locked post.

I can see why some posts are locked, but there are a few posts out there that are locked that follow the rules.

Anyway sorry if I ruffled any feathers, Its just frustrating sometimes.

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Well, since it's mostly me doing the locking in this forum I guess I could explain a little bit more on why. Basically theres the info we have that people may try to get or talk about, which by all means, that's what the forum is here for. You can talk about anything you know about the game. Then there are some threads asking questions, but questions that are a little more in depth, I.E. talking about engine possibilities or such. But then fianally there are the threads that I lock, I.E. asking where the chinstrap is in a photo.

In some cases is may seem a bit harsh, but in reality unless you're speculating on certain possibilites I.E. with the engine or what have you, the only real answer is to wait for more info from BIS.

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I totally understand where your coming from, but I guess maybe I just read these posts in a different tone so to say. When I read some of them it just seems like people are opening up "what ifs" in the game. But anyway, keep up the good work, cant wait to see some info on this game. And thx for the quick reply.

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I was not clear on the difference between AA and the "Game2" and got snide comments in return.

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armed assault its the next coming game, based on the old engine but improved. well, the "game 2" it will be the ultimative game ever! yay.gif and its comme on another engine (brand new one). but if u look trough the forum u will find more about that! wink_o.gif

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I think Harnu and Placebo lock way too many threads. I can understand locks on topics like "release date" and offensive topics, but a lot of times it seems like mods are just supressing free speech. The topics that are pointless and silly should die out on their own.

We are not allowed to speculate about the future BIS games, but without any info, speculation is all we can do. BIS has the rights to moderate this forum as they like, but discussion forum that forbits discussion is a bit silly.

About 50% of topics seems to get locked on this particular forum. Some of the locks seems reasonable, but some does not. I hope the mods would just loosen up a little. If someone asks a obvious question, it would be better to give him the obvious answer rather than quoting a section of forum rules and then locking the thread.

I feel the OFP community is a little more mature than gaming communities in general. Everything seems to be in control on the forums, and there's very little flame wars or insulting going on. Maybe we have the moderators to thank for that. I'm not saying the moderators are doing a bad job. I think they are just a little too good at their job. biggrin_o.gif

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If you sit down and read through all the stickied threads in the NGPCG-suggestions board, you'll notice a vast amount of suggestions to BIS on what to make, along with some ideas on how to implement them.

But lately there's been quite a number of "so, what do you think will be in it?" "gee, I don't know, but I hope it will be cool" "yeah, well we don't know anything at all about what BIS plans to do, so we might as well make up stuff that's too random for even the OT thread" - type threads, and those are what's been getting locked.

Granted, there is material that could be analyzed and specualted on, but I'm not seeing anything like that. There's some subtle details in the pictures that have been released that may indicate subtle tweaks, or substantial engine changes.

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Well when there is nothing to really talk about about, what else are you supposed to do?

There is nothing wrong with specualting or dreaming, as long as its in a constructive post. If you start to read a post and dont like where its going the stop reading it, dont reply and let it die. If you reply to a post with a insult or anything else you yourself are dragging out the post longer than it needs to be. Just let it die off over time and if it recieves a reply from someone willing to answer than so be it.

Im sure this post wil be locked soon too, but I knew that from the get go when i posted it, so atleast I knew it was coming. But if you are new to the forums and you post 3 or 4 threads and they all get ocked, then it drives ppl away. That is the last thing we need around here espeacially when we are trying to hype the game.

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Quote[/b] ] Im sure this post wil be locked soon too

Got that right smile_o.gif

Since mostly whats here are posts talking about moderating decisions, there's already a thread for that, here

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