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Lost Actions

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There are some houses on Malden that have three floors.  To access the top floor it is necessary to climb a ladder from the floor below.  As you approach the ladder you get an action to Climb ladder up.  Except now I don't.

What circumstances could result in the player approaching the ladder and get no action to climb the ladder?  It does not seem to be related to damage to the building.  Even a setDammage 0.99 does not remove the action in the mission editor.  

Could the fact that I have added and removed player actions before getting to this point be doing this? Or could it be that the player only gets this action in the mission editor not in the pbo version of a mission?  Both are longshots - or maybe it is just a random 'feature'

The problem I have is that I have cutscene that only activates once the player gets to the top floor, but now he can't get up the ladder.

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It could be some 'bad' addons corrupting your OFP, try deleteing a few non essential addons?

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Sorry I should have said. I don't do add-ons I only have General Barron's Editor Update. I thought this did not add anything so much as make available things that are already there. Other than that it is plain vanilla OFP 1985/Red Hammer/Resistance upgraded to v1.96.

The Editor Update is essential to the mission I am making.

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I can climb that ladder in the mission editor for this mission but not in the pbo version.  I can clmb the same ladder in a pbo version of a dummy mission.

I have tested the cutscene mutliple times in the editor - but now I come to play the whole thing for real there is no action to clmb the ladder.

I know operator error (ie me) is the most common cause of problems - but in this case it looks more like an OFP bug.

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there's a ladder in the empty object menu, spawn one at the same spot.

I know it's not a very proper solution...

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What I planned to do is have the cutscene start as the player gets to the bottom of the ladder.  I will now look at putting in my own ladder.  But what concerns me is some feature standard that apparently at random just stops working and wondered if I had stumbled on a know issue with a work around.

If I put in my own ladder and OFP later decides that its own ladder will work I guess I might then have two climb options for the player.

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This is more suggestion than solution but I've experienced partial loss of built-in actions after setpossing the player out of a vehicle (while testing in the mission editor). Have you used any player setposses to set up cutscene shots?

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Interesting. There are cutscenes earlier that involve setPosing the player - in one case out of a vehicle. These scenes happen in the full mission, but when testing this scene I go straight to it, missing out the earlier scenes. So if you are right this would explain all the facts I am currently aware of.

Could this also be the reason that mines have lost their - disable action?

Thinking now of all the built in actions that I need - re-arm at ammo truck comes to mind. I suppose I had better check them all.


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Is this a house that is pre-placed on the island, or are you adding it in via the editor? It could be a problem with the config of Keg's EU. [/shift blame]

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This is a standard house that comes pre-placed on a standard Malden map.

Incidentally using exactly the same pbo file one beta tester has found the the action to climb the ladder exists and works. All other beta testers find that there is no action to climb the ladder. I fall into the latter group. I can't climb the ladder in the pbo file, but I can in the mission editor. I have no add-ons installed except for the Editor Upgrade.

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