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FA Dalai Lamar

Graphics Problems

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Hi guys,

I have done everything... System info list then Problem description...


OS Name Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition

Version 5.1.2600 Service Pack 2 Build 2600

OS Manufacturer Microsoft Corporation

System Manufacturer Dell Computer Corporation

System Model Dimension 8200

System Type X86-based PC

Processor x86 Family 15 Model 2 Stepping 7 GenuineIntel ~2784 Mhz

BIOS Version/Date Dell Computer Corporation A09, 9/13/2002

SMBIOS Version 2.3

Locale United States

Hardware Abstraction Layer Version = "5.1.2600.2180 User

Time Zone Eastern Daylight Time

Total Physical Memory 1,024.00 MB

Available Physical Memory 618.54 MB

Total Virtual Memory 2.00 GB

Available Virtual Memory 1.96 GB

Page File Space 2.40 GB

Page File C:\pagefile.sys

MSI MS-StarForce GeForce FX 5200 (NVIDIA GeForce FX 5200)

Turltle Beach Santa Cruzâ„¢ WDM Interface Sound Card

Operation Flashpoint/Resistance 1.96


Ok here it goes...I have had OFP since the beginning...Actually preordered a British Copy b4 it was in the States....Gone through 3 Computers with this Game. THis current computer came with the Radeon 9700 from ATI....When I first installed it on this machine it would play fine but Froze after a few minutes...I could only reboot....I followed the instructions from BIS and helpful members of the community and all was fine for 3 years....Then one fateful night in May the Radeon 9700 exploded.....I quickly bought a MSI gForce 4 5200 to replace it because i had heard good things....guess what.....I now can no longer play flashpoint...The same thing happens....for about 2 minutes the game runs exeptionally well then boom...it freezes and I can only pray that Alt+Tab works....I have searched every solution on the Troubleshooting board....I decreased the aperture size to 64 MB....downgraded my Drivers....disengaged Hardware T&L and tweaked the preferences...all to no avail...the only thing I havent done is switch the AGP to 2X because I don't know how.....SOMEONE HELP ME!!!!!! God if someone gets me through this I will pay them. Anything would be so appreciated...Please Help.


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First of all... even if that was a regular Raedon 9700 rather than the Pro model that was a serious downgrade of video.

Is 64 meg as low as you can go in your bios AGP Aperature? I would try 32 if you can

Saying that you replaced the video card and it still lockups and you have been running your computer for 3 years tells me your CPU fan is probably clogged with dust.I would check/clean that.

Lowering your AGP to 2x is usually done in your bios (somewheres around where you have changed your AGP aperature)

Changing to 2x can also be done with a utility within Windows

like NVtweak or Rivatuner


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The Geforce was a serious downgrade....oops i was afraid of that....but alas it was all I could afford at the time. As far as the aperture...will 32 seriously affect other games. Where does one get Rivatuner or NVtweek.....What is a good video card for running OFP....ANy answers would be great....DO PCI Cards work better?


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If you have switched from ati to nvidia run driver cleaner, if you recently upgraded xp to sp2 reinstaling the game wouldnt be such a bad thing either, keep aperture size at 64 works best this way i hear, use 71:89 whql driver, -nomap, stay away from pci cards crazy_o.gif , your fx5200 should work well with OPF rock.gif .

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Guys you guys are very nice indeed...thats what makes this game great...the community....Heatseeker I have followed your advice with the drivers and the cleaning of the drivers....There were tons of ATI files still on there.....One Question...What was the -nomap part? Thanks aain for your efforts and concern.

Lamar biggrin_o.gif

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right click on your OPF shortcut and choose properties, now leave a space and add -nomap so it looks like this:

Quote[/b] ]"C:\Program Files\Codemasters\OperationFlashpoint\FLASHPOINTRESISTANCE.EXE" -nomap

Then click apply.

Bis come up with this when people started reporting problems with the introduction of graphics cards of the same generation has yours, if you want to find out more about -nomap parameter just do a search under -nomap, should give you plenty of info, good luck, hope its working now smile_o.gif .

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For Some reason I ran Driver Cleaner and the OLd ATI Drivers and Files are still in the system....When I run the program it says it has removed such and such files but then I look and all the files are still there...I run it again and same thing....I guess it isnt that important but it is strange....I guess I coud manually remove the registry items.

Lamar rock.gif

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You did run driver cleaner exactly has it is instructed in the readme right rock.gif .

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Ok....I've done it all...used the drive cleaner exactly as instructed....NEw drivers that were recommended...Aperture down to 64 and still im getting the freeze.....I'm tearing my hair out now.....I absolutely love OFP but it won't work...It's even causing critical errors. Everyone has been so generous already, but if anyone has any more tricks or suggestions I would be eternally greatful.


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Sry to hear, could you tell us what critical or other errors happen? Are you using addons? DXDLL? etc.. Maybe a fresh ofp install would help. You could also try older driver versions has some people have reported crash problems using fx or other nvidia old cards with the latest forceware drivers.

Check this thread to look for diferent/older driver versions and see if it helps, best luck and hope you get it working soon, wish i could help you more sad_o.gif .

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I give up.....crying over here....Luckily I am able to get my hands on a Radeon 8500 XL for next to nothing....HEat ol buddy ( I feel I can call you that now) Plz tell me this will solve all my problems....I'm sure this will only lead to new challenges...but anything has got to be better than the one i'm in now.....Is this a good card for OFP?

Lamar crazy_o.gifrock.gif

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Do other games run fine? Have you scanned for spyware/viruses? Your computer has an Intel 850 chipset motherboard I believe, any newer drivers available than those you're currently using?

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All other games run perfectly....OFP was running fine with my Radeon until that blew up...All problems stem fro this current FX 5200 Card.....I have Done every tweak I can find....-Nomap....OLd drivers....New Drivers....Aperture settings.....Complete reinstall......Everything......I am about to throw everything away...I have so much work up in the air on this game ...Missions....Addons.....I have no Spyware at all...No viruses.....Sorry to Rant I'm just completely at wits end with this...Ty Palcebo for also getting involved Everyone has been so helpful specially Heatseeker...IT's just so picky (this game) about the graphics card...I had the same problem with the Radeon 9700 Pro when I got my new Dell....Someone suggested a specific Driver and it fixed everything....Sometimes I can alt-tab out sometimes it flat out shuts my computer down....All other games work perfectly.


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You asked about viruses and mal-ware.....Is there any particular type that would cause this or is this a farely common computer-tech triage question? I have 2005 Nortons that scans daily and Microsoft anti spyware that scans daily as well....everyonce and a while i do a lavasoft scan too for good measure.....I'm fairly paranoid with adware and malware because it cost my business thousands so i take several precautions so I dont think it could be that....When the game freezes the freeze will sometimes clear up long enough to hit escape and exit the game now, but it still totally locks up about 3/4 the time....When it freezes the sound loops over and over...I have updated the audio drivers too, but my Turtle Beach sound card has been completely reliable...It also seems that the freezes are random happening about 5 minutes into gameplay....though often it seems to happen around scoping in or flying....

Lamar rock.gif

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I have experienced the same kind of problems with the game freezing, crashing or even rebooting my comp with the sound loop and all, i've recently replaced and upgraded my ram and my crappy SBlive with a audigy2 and its been running great ever since though Nogova may still crash ocasionaly (very rare).

I remember when i replaced my older video card i moved my sound card to another PCI slot due to a IRQ conflict betwean sound and graphic cards that resulted in no sound (IRQ share), still it was never the same has before though it all worked well with other games.

I started having all kinds of probs in OFP when i replaced my ti4200 with a 6600GT and updated my video drivers but it works well now since i also upgraded my sound and ram crazy_o.gif . So i lean towards ofp not liking certain combos of harware or drivers but im not sure crazy_o.gif .

You could try some crazy stuff like reseating your sound and graphics cards, reinstaling drivers, switching your ram sticks, check for dust on cpu, conflicts, etc but i have no idea if this would help, sry Lamar but i really dont have a clue sad_o.gif .

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You asked about viruses and mal-ware.....Is there any particular type that would cause this or is this a farely common computer-tech triage question?

Naah I asked as it's quite a common cause of stuttering/freezing, have you tried disabling all virus programs and/or spyware to make sure they're not interfering? For example at home I use Zone Alarm's antivirus and if I'm watching a movie on my pc the antivirus makes it stutter everytime it checks a new file that's been downloaded smile_o.gif

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Ok i might have found some probs using DXDIAG!


System Information


Time of this report: 6/4/2005, 01:47:07

Machine name: AYARS

Operating System: Windows XP Home Edition (5.1, Build 2600) Service Pack 2 (2600.xpsp_sp2_gdr.050301-1519)

Language: English (Regional Setting: English)

System Manufacturer: Dell Computer Corporation

System Model: Dimension 8200

BIOS: Default System BIOS

Processor: Intel® Pentium® 4 CPU 2.80GHz

Memory: 1024MB RAM

Page File: 321MB used, 2140MB available

Windows Dir: C:\WINDOWS

DirectX Version: DirectX 9.0c (4.09.0000.0904)

DX Setup Parameters: Not found

DxDiag Version: 5.03.2600.2180 32bit Unicode

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Please don't paste your complete DX Diag report, it's long, messy and the majority of the information it contains is confusing for people and irrelevant to the problem, instead pick out the relevant parts and post those smile_o.gif

It looks like you certainly need to install directx again, download the latest version and try that if you haven't already smile_o.gif

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Sorry bout that....Just going crazy trying to get this game working....So much time and effort lost in this graphic card snafu....Didnt know how much to post of that Directx diagnosis....I've literally spent as much time trying to get OFP working as have playing it this year ....I had so many addons and skinning in the hopper and now I am just totally screwed. I have read every post that is relavent on these and other forums...Just cant seem to iron it out...Thanks for all your help...I am just screwed I guess till I can get another graphics card.

Lamar sad_o.gif

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I had a similar problem, but it seems to have fixed itself oddly... It was something to do with Direct X, which became fooked up with a Windows update (peice of crap, Microsoft still can't code well), reinstalled DX, did nothing to help. Eventually I formatted the computer and all was fine untill I decided to upgrade to service pack 2 again... wow that thing HATES games, especially ones not made since DX9 came into existance. If you look around the net, even on the official MS knowledge thing their "solution" to a similar problem with THEIR game Freelancer is to play it in "Windows 98 Compatibility Mode" even though the game came out when XP was pretty common and ran fine on it before SP 2.

Try Omega drivers if all else fails, they seem to be stable and give good performance and Windows likes them even though they're not digitally signed. Ironic considering the drivers that are give the most conflicts. Yey for Microsoft "quality" control!

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Two final questions....

#1 I think I am going to replace my Fx5200 with the Ati X800XL on order....WIll this Card have better success than I am now....ANyone know?

#2 Will uninstalling Service pack 2 for windows have any positive effect on My OFP problem...and is it as easy as just uninstalling it or is there more to it?


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I tried the Windows 98 Mode and the Omega Drivers!!!GUESS WHAT....15 Minutes of UNFrozen Gameplay!!!!!!!!!! OMG!!!!!!I am one happy guy!!! TY FOR THIS FIX....AND EVERYONE WITH MY SITUATION....IT WORKS!!!!!!! TY ALL FOR YOUR HELP!!!!!!!


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Actually It was as simple as installing the Omega Nvidia Drivers....No need to do the Windows 98 thing....I upped my Aperture and Reset all my settings and I had a 2 hour long mission without even a stutter...Those Omega Drivers are super stable compared with the Official ones....Anyone with these problems with and Nvidia or Ati card needs to check them out.....Thanks to everyone on this thread for helping me out here...I can't tell you how much i appreciate it!


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