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bravo 6


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Hello, from the pics publicated i could find some bugs that i would like to report in order to fix them if possible smile_o.gif

Vehicle Flying?


weapon dont have shadow? (weapon bug or wall bug?)


maybe shadows can be improved? tounge_o.gif hihi

Hope bugs are fixed and reviewed smile_o.gif

Keep the good work Team!

PS- OFP never dies! biggrin_o.gif

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hehe they shure will be like i said the other post, ofp2 engine seems to have the majoriti of things from ofp1, because theyr still developing

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erm... dont you think these are a bit...well...obvious? I mean considering its very early code and they havent done alot to it other than the engine maybe rock.gif .

edit: Portuguese too? Another one to the list tounge_o.gif .

You, meio_maluco, me, bonko the sane, mig, buzz, not bad eh tounge_o.gif ..

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u are damit i didnt knew it ill send my msn ;) i have others in list Komuna aka ECP master :P and other

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maybe we are all portuguese .. so we could all talk portuguese instead :P


well i just tought.. if they publicate pics its cause its very advanced so.. no bugs should be showned(right?). but i understand the rush and the need to show ofp2 pics biggrin_o.gif i was glad to see all those pics smile_o.gif



I noticed in this picture that the shadows look pretty much the same as Ofp1's, which were particularily bad for one reason: they were too sharp, too clean. In my opinion they should have a slight 'blur' around the edges (like in this pic.)

Just a little suggestion of mine.

i agree wink_o.gif

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