ofpchaos 0 Posted March 22, 2005 Hello everybody ! For the time past "Operation Black Mamba" i have some new projects. Here i will present you my upcoming project - "The story of Bravo43" Campaign. German text: Quote ]Einige Russische Generäle haben 5 SCUDs unter eigene Kontrolle gebracht und sind mit einigen Tausend treue ergebener Truppen in Taiga verschwunden. Russische Eilitetruppen die von Moskau ihnen nachgeschickt wurden sind durch die Detonation einer 20 kt Atombombe vernichtet worden. Die Rebellierenden Truppen haben das Archipelag der Caldiven südöstlich von Koreanischen Gewässern eingenommen und dort ihre Stellungen ausgebaut. Mit geraubten Nuklearwaffen versuchen Sie Moskau dazu zu bringen den III Weltkrieg vorm Zaun zu brechen. Sie drohen mit Zündung falls Moskau sich weigert. Moskau ist ratlos und die Stimmung im Land ist äußerst angespannt. Große Teile der russichen Truppen weigern sich gegen eigene Kameraden vorzugehen. Ein Grund dafür ist natürlich die schwere wirtschaftliche Lage. Viele wünschen sich die "Alte Weltordnung" zurück. Moskau hat in Angesicht dieser Fakten den USA erlaubt zu handeln. Wenn die USA innerhalb von 48 Stunden schaffen werden die SCUDs auszuschalten kann der Wiederstand der Abtrünnigen gebrochen werden. http://www.arcor.de/palb/alben/45/3740145/1280_3833393236316330.jpg -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Missionsart - Kampagne Missionszahl - 14-20 Schwierigkeitsgrad 1-10 - 7 Insel - Panzerfaust Insel Addons - HYK US Modern Infantry, ICP Mot Infantry, ICP Zil Trucks, BAS Blackhawks, BAS Chinook, AG Smith Indurstry & Harbour, Fischkopps Humvees Seite - USA Position - Gruppenführer eines Fallschirmjägertrupps Einsatzzeit - Verschieden Einsatzart - Verschieden Wetter - Verschieden Dauer - Verschieden -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- </b><span style='font-size:15pt;line-height:100%'>Download the Demo here</span> <span style='font-size:9pt;line-height:100%'>I need some translators & testers for the campaign.</span> Can everybody translate this text and the demo mission in english ? Greetings Chaos Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
eestikas88 0 Posted March 22, 2005 If you made it and if you can speak and write english then you're ready to translate it yourself.I would help but i can't speak german. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ofpchaos 0 Posted March 22, 2005 The briefing and objectives in the demo are translated. But for the campaign i need good german/english translators. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Shadow NX 1 Posted March 23, 2005 Hello anybody !For the time past "Operation Black Mamba" i have some new projects. Here i will present you my upcoming project - "The story of Bravo43" Campaign. German text: Quote ]Einige Russische Generäle haben 5 SCUDs unter eigene Kontrolle gebracht und sind mit einigen Tausend treue ergebener Truppen in Taiga verschwunden. Russische Eilitetruppen die von Moskau ihnen nachgeschickt wurden sind durch die Detonation einer 20 kt Atombombe vernichtet worden. Die Rebellierenden Truppen haben das Archipelag der Caldiven südöstlich von Koreanischen Gewässern eingenommen und dort ihre Stellungen ausgebaut. Mit geraubten Nuklearwaffen versuchen Sie Moskau dazu zu bringen den III Weltkrieg vorm Zaun zu brechen. Sie drohen mit Zündung falls Moskau sich weigert. Moskau ist ratlos und die Stimmung im Land ist äußerst angespannt. Große Teile der russichen Truppen weigern sich gegen eigene Kameraden vorzugehen. Ein Grund dafür ist natürlich die schwere wirtschaftliche Lage. Viele wünschen sich die "Alte Weltordnung" zurück. Moskau hat in Angesicht dieser Fakten den USA erlaubt zu handeln. Wenn die USA innerhalb von 48 Stunden schaffen werden die SCUDs auszuschalten kann der Wiederstand der Abtrünnigen gebrochen werden. [ig]http://www.arcor.de/palb/alben/45/3740145/400_3833393236316330.jpg[/img] http://www.arcor.de/palb/alben/45/3740145/1280_3833393236316330.jpg -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Missionsart - Kampagne Missionszahl - 14-20 Schwierigkeitsgrad 1-10 - 7 Insel - Panzerfaust Insel Addons - HYK US Modern Infantry, ICP Mot Infantry, ICP Zil Trucks, BAS Blackhawks, BAS Chinook, AG Smith Indurstry & Harbour, Fischkopps Humvees Seite - USA Position - Gruppenführer eines Fallschirmjägertrupps Einsatzzeit - Verschieden Einsatzart - Verschieden Wetter - Verschieden Dauer - Verschieden -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- </b><span style='font-size:15pt;line-height:100%'>Download the Demo here</span> <span style='font-size:9pt;line-height:100%'>I need some translators & testers for the campaign.</b></span> Can everybody translate this text and the demo mission in english ? Greetings Chaos A few russian generals gained control over 5 Scuds and hide with a few thousand troops in taiga. Russian elite units sent by moscow were killed in the explosion of a 20kt atom bomb. The revolting troops brought the caldiven archipel southeast of the korean waters under their control and started to build up their positions there. With the stolen nukes they try to force moscow into starting WWIII. They threat to blow up the nukes if moscow doesnt act as planned. Moscow is unsure what to do, the situation in the land is on the edge. Big parts of the troops are not willing to fight against their own comrades. One of the reasons of course is the bad economic situation, many would like to have the strong soviet union back. Facing such problems Moscow allowed the USA to act. If the US succed to take out the Scuds within 48 hours then the resistance of the renegades can be broken -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mission type - Campaign Missions - 14-20 Difficulty 1-10 - 7 Island - Panzerfaust Insel Addons - HYK US Modern Infantry, ICP Mot Infantry, ICP Zil Trucks, BAS Blackhawks, BAS Chinook, AG Smith Indurstry & Harbour, Fischkopps Humvees Player side - US Position - Airborne group leader Mission time - misc Type of mission - misc Weather - misc Mission time - misc Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Placebo 31 Posted March 24, 2005 Shadow NX remove image tags when quoting please Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
868 0 Posted March 25, 2005 Hi Chaos, On initial testing, I saw that the 'invisible Heli pads' were placed too close together hence, the AI helis are crashing into each other at insertion. I suggest that the 'invisible heli pads' to be spaced out further to avoid such incident. It worked find on my end when edited. Also, may I also remind you that BAS helos take alot of resources for lesser spec PCs users out there. If you use 4 x BAS helos specially at insertion the rotor downwash script will cause lag, and I have an AMD XP 2700, 1GBRAM,128GraphicsCard. Playable but avoidable. You can perhaps disable the downwash scripts for the non playable helo off? and keeping the Bravo43's on? Hope these helped. Â Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ofpchaos 0 Posted March 25, 2005 Hi Chaos,On initial testing, I saw that the 'invisible Heli pads' were placed too close together hence, the AI helis are crashing into each other at insertion. I suggest that the 'invisible heli pads' to be spaced out further to avoid such incident. It worked find on my end when edited. Also, may I also remind you that BAS helos take alot of resources for lesser spec PCs users out there. If you use 4 x BAS helos specially at insertion the rotor downwash script will cause lag, and I have an AMD XP 2700, 1GBRAM,128GraphicsCard. Playable but avoidable. You can perhaps disable the downwash scripts for the non playable helo off? and keeping the Bravo43's on? Hope these helped. Hi ! The Helos in the demo are BIS Blackhawks. But i use in the final version BAS Blackhawks and so i use "Benchmarker Script" so set better performance options and set off the downwash when your PC is slower as 3.3 GHz, Radeon9800XT. But the problem with the helipads is temporarly. You have savepoint short time before you landing. Use it. In 3 of 10 times helo pilots doesn´t fly correct to the landing zone. But in 7 of 10 times they do it correct. Its a AI problem. I will fix it in the next version. Have you played the demo to the end ? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ofpchaos 0 Posted March 25, 2005 I tested the demo and i must say - the BIS pilot AI is more dumb than the BAS one. In 8 of 10 tests the helos doesn´t fly correct in the landing zone. In the next demo i will fix this problem or i will made other demo mission. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
868 0 Posted March 25, 2005 That is true regarding the ability of BAS versus BIS pilots. BAS pilots slows down while keeping formation and flares and lands at the right designated position. BIS does not. They are not disciplined enough I have only encountered the 'unknown number' of BMPs from 'S-S-E (?)' but that is as far as I played. Two reasons: No time, and my knowledge in German language is extremely limited. It has a great Air Assault feel to it...would be better if the OPFOR was using HD (High Dispersion) rounds. Since you could be pressing 'retry' couple of times at the start. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ofpchaos 0 Posted March 25, 2005 Yes, after the enemy BMP Counterattack your (demo) Mission ends. But in the original mission you have more objectives. - land and secure the LZ - take fixed position to SE and S - hold position when enemy couterattacks (infantry and BMPs) - secure the two MedeVacs (2 Blackhawks in the demo - landing after the LZ is secured) - conduct recon to NW - secure enemy base - move to ordered position, take fixed postion and reject even enemy counter attack BIG VERSION BIG VERSION I am usind in the original following AddOns: HYK US Modern Infantry, ICP Mot Infantry, ICP Zil Trucks, BAS Blackhawks, In next missions i will use other AddOns too. - BAS Chinook - Fischkopps Humvees - KORD MG etc. When you like FSW you known what i planned I translated this demo with "google-translator" - its not good enough. But i became better translations. When YOU will, you can help me with corrections or Samples Greetings Yours, Chaos Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Albert Schweitzer 10 Posted March 25, 2005 to start WWIII? Why should they want it? I dont think you need to go that far with your estimation. It sounds a bit exaggerated und illogical. You could take the current problem in Kirgistan as an example. Assuming that the ruling body of a province has been turned down by his people and is not too happy about that. He retreats into the military base camps in the woods outside the urban areas and his military commanders still continue to support him. He not only has atomic weapons to hold his own citizens hostage but also threatens the russians not to interact. The russians would launch an attack but they cant be sure to hit all important targets. Not distroying all might cause an atomic attack on moscow. The US however has satelite capabilities that go far beyond those of russia. The administration in washington knows the position of the most important targets since they have been moved in the last days. The Kirgisian dictator delocated them to hide them from the russians. But moving means leaving traces and satelites can find those traces. But there is one problem, the US doesnt want to show their satelite capabilities to russia so they propose to undertake the entire mission themselves. Russia agrees but only under one circumstance: no occupation of Kirgistan, only special operations! Und so weiter.. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
868 0 Posted March 29, 2005 When YOU will, you can help me with corrections or Samples  Greetings Yours, Chaos Well you know where I am =] Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ofpchaos 0 Posted May 13, 2005 Well, here is a little update. Missions 1-4 are ready in 60-75% Stories of 100% of Missions are planned and ready for developement. I am looking for: - Camera scripters - Scripter - BetaTester - english and german speakers (14 persons) - translators from german in english, french and other languages - Story writers and writers for Gags/Dialogs in the Cutscenes greetings Chaos Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
majoris 10 Posted May 13, 2005 I speak english and german fluently and I'd be glad to help you translate. I'm also in the Army in real life if you'd need any military related technical assistance PM me if you're interested. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ofpchaos 0 Posted May 13, 2005 Well, you can send me PM here, i am speaking german better than english. Any help is welcome ;) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
868 0 Posted May 16, 2005 Hello ofpchaos, There is a nice script from the OFPEC regarding the Choppers landing in a specific area. I believe its called 'land_chopper.sqs' I do not know the author/creator for this script. (tried a quick search but wasn't able to find it in time) Should you need it, I have a copy. Works well in MP play specially for Air Assault missions. Let me know. 868 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ofpchaos 0 Posted June 3, 2005 So, i am updated the demo. See link in my 1st post. You need now BAS Blackhawks. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ofpchaos 0 Posted June 17, 2005 New Version of the demo is up. You don´t need more BAS Blackhawks. - the KI pilots will now land 1000-times better in the landing zone. I am looking for helpers !!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites