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Arab sacred music

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I'm note sure this is the right thread, anyway as I'm editing a mission....

Where I can find something like that? Better if the file is not too much heavy, as the mission size is just over the 10MB, due the custom music/sound already included...

Thanks in advance for any help.

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did you find anything...

you can also download ehh very graphic clips from sites like <link removed> which have lots of iraqi insurgent propaganda, and on most tapes there is some arabic song in the background and some have it on full! wow_o.gif

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Manhunter09 being new you should have made it a priority to read the forum rules, specifially.....

Quote[/b] ]

§5)No posting of explicit images

No posting of pictures containing porn, real killing, mutilations, wounds, carnage, and other disgusting/explicit images. This also includes links to pages that contain such images.

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If you message me I will send you a few "Call To Prayers". I have them in a sound pack that I once made for OFP.

- Ack

[email protected]

P.S. - I aslo have arabic radio and tv sounds.

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Thanks Hit_Sqd_Ack! smile_o.gif

Check your mail.

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Done, in there you'll also find a tv or radio version of about 60 seconds of arabic TV. If you need anything else let me know.


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EHEHEH! Just what I need! biggrin_o.gif

A couple of your stuffs will be included in the mission, Hit_Sqd_Ack! wink_o.gif


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If you  message me I will send you a few "Call To Prayers". I have them in a sound pack that I once made for OFP.

- Ack

[email protected]

P.S. - I aslo have arabic radio and tv sounds.

I ve send you an email smile_o.gif

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Well since I am getting e-mails I figured I'd just post it up.

The sounds are in a pack located here: "@fha_soundpack.zip"


If you unpbo it inside you'll find the following files that are arabic:

arabic_prayer1.ogg - Call to prayer *very clear*

arabic_prayer2.ogg - Another version of the above, different speaker.

arabic_radio - Arabic Radio

- Ack

P.S. - If any of you want anything more or anythign like this done please let me know. I also have a friend that speaks 4 versions of Arabic and I'm pretty descent with mixing and editing sounds.

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