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Custom in-mission GUI's?

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Any info as to how to make custom in-mission gui's (ie: MFCTI's option menu, vehicle purchase menu, ect. ect.)

I'm looking to make something simular to the standard CTi format, but not with money. Having a limited number of vehicles you can spawn, and when the number runs out, you are out of that kind of vehicle (not only vehicles, but troops also).

I'd also like to restrict players from getting vehicles they are not assigned (ie: pilots trying to deploy tanks, or tankers trying to deploy choppers).

Im looking to have the commander have a designated gui that shows him the ammount of units remaining, and status on resupply.

If anyone can give me any info to just get started on this, or even if you'd like to help, plz let me know.


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While this isn't "exactly" what you are looking for, may I point you in the direction of Sinews of War? You can edit your starting inventory as you see fit. If you choose, you can forego the use of money (its not required).

Take a read through and play the demo mission. We are in the process of updating some of the code right now, but this might be "close enough" to what you want, at least for the time being.

Sinews of War


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Go to ofpec.com, click on Editors Depot on the top menu bar, expand the Tutorials section on the left menu bar and select Browse tutorials and look for Vektorbosen's dialog tutorial, or in the quick search box put in Dialog and it should pull up that tute as one of the first ones.

That's the best one for learning the dialogs, i.e. menus. It might take a little while, but once you get the hang of it, you can do a lot.

You will need some scripting abilities in order to make full use of them.


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Karr!! how ya been bro?

Every time I see someone in your server I can't join b.c of the mod folders.

Got a link with the addons I might need?

BTW this mission Im trying to make is an idea I want to show you, I think you'll really like it.

Oh yea... Just hit my 1 year to go mark smile_o.gif about ready to make the rank of Sergeant too unclesam.gif

Holl-a back at me

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I was wondering why I hadn't seen you around for a while.

Go to www.binarybone.com/ofpwatch or go to ofp.info/karrillion and click the link to ofpwatch and grab it, then put in my server ip It'll auto-download all the mod folders you need.

I just set up a new FTP with a 45mbps pipe on it, so it should be fast. I also have a new server, Dual opteron 250's with 2GB ram. We've been maxing out the RTS games and it's been smooth (unless someone is running ECP...grrr.)

Anyway, swing by, it'd be good to frag with you again.

I think I see the gist of what you're trying to make. You start out with a pre-determined number of vehicles as in real life, and if you use them up then they're gone, right?

Insofar as restricting players to certain vehicles you can do that by using typeOf driver vehicle, but in games like RTS and CTI I think that all the squad leaders are of the same class, correct? I'd probably make an array like so:

cam_pilots = ["SoldierWPilot","SoldierEPilot","other classes"]

Then the vehicle would have to check :

?!(typeOf driver vehicle in cam_pilots) : <whatever action you want>

You can do the same for tanks, etc. I'd use CountType for Tank and Air so you don't have to drill all the way down to the specific unit class insofar as determining which array a vehicle uses for determining valid classes.

It sounds like an interesting idea, so let me know how it's going!

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I have a concept .sqm file, but its just to show the make-up of the island, and the order inwhich towns/areas are captured.

It requires the AEC island (3 islands in 1). I love that map, but there are ZERO missions for it so I figured i'd try to take CTi to the next level. I had a few idea's for mission names, I was thinking (D.I.E Dual Island Engagments, or something along those lines).

It involves main objective capture zones, and non-mission essential objectives within a CTi style format (ie: capture a town to advance to the next "main objective", capture the radar station for radar capabilities "2ndary objective", get it?) OH YEAH: REQUIRES WGL 4.12

If you wouldn't mind, I can send this to you over email or YIM (give me a few hours to get home and log-in (racer51_n2k@yahoo.com).

Town orders are displayed for each side, but are not set in stone.

Let me know what you think.

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I like the approach you're taking. People on the server keep bugging me to make an RTS on AEC island, but I think that mission would take forever to play.

An objectives based approach sounds very good, however. Instead of standard C&H towns, you could make it a progressive fight, where you can't just skip around and do everything.

It's sort of like Frontlines that MrZig and Korax made for the server, except Frontlines is more of a Battlefield 1942 type C&H, where you can spawn at zones you've capped and vehicles spawn for your team there. The difference is that you have X number of territories and you have to cap them in order, i.e. go from A to B to C, etc. and you can't skip around.

Something like this might be the next evolutionary step in RTS-style missions for OFP, because sometimes just plain C&H gets boring...there needs to be other objectives besides C&H and destroy the enemy base.

I've added in some other elements to RTS lately. I put in ore mining--it's the primary method of making money now, and you have to cap territories in order to reduce the build time for vehicles. I also made it so the buildings are non-targetable unless you sneak into the enemy base and beacon them.

Anyway you can shoot it over to me sometime and I'll look at it. Things have been hectic for me lately...I have a new baby so time is like gold for me now. smile_o.gif

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CONGRATS MAN on the baby! You the man.

Your exactly on the same page as me.

Thats my concept behind this mission. Starting at the furthest most towns on each island (with 8 capturable towns on each island). You work your way up the map escourting a supply truck (taking towns in order, and as a team TownA-TownB-TownC, no bunny hopping) and if it gets destroyed it respawns alllll the way back at the 1st town u capped.

Now, there are 2ndary objectives on the side that dont require the supply truck to take over. 1: radar tower (like I said b4), 2: the radio tower (gives your commander the ability to call for artillery, hoping that CoC will release UA 1.1 so I can have Tomahawks for both sides smile_o.gif.

You say it would take forever, I think that cutting the # of towns u have to cap on the enemies island would help tone this down some. Like say you captured a town that would cut the supply line to the northern towns from it. Then all you would have to worry about are the towns to the south, which makes it 4 towns to cap instead of 8 on the enemy island.

Restricting the number of vehicles & ai troops helps keep the rambo's from being rambo's, and forces them to work as joint-task forces.

Instead of capturable flags, you have a HQ is each capturable town. When the supply truck pulls up the HQ, it simulates a indoor fight with ambient sounds and stuff and gives u sidechat updates (ie: We are taking fire, but we are advancing to the 2nd floor!). Then cut the ambient sounds and the HQ is yours to spawn at, and the sidechat will let you know (ie: HQ secure, radio freq updated). This keeps the enemy and you form advancing to fast and lets the opposing force mount a counter attack.

Now the thing I liked about this is. Infantry and Transport trucks spawn at the very 1st town u take... so they have to drive all the way to the front line (kinda like a re-deployment) Light and Heavy armor at the 2nd town (for balance issues when enemy is on your island) And the boats you get at the last town, and the aircraft if u cap the airfield. BUT players themselves can spawn at any 1 of the towns, by they cant get ai or vehicles unless they are in the proper town.

When you buy a vehicle, instead of waiting 2+mins it will only take about 10 seconds, because its coming right out of your deployment list, vehicles/troops dont have to built/trained. So it keeps the battles large and exciting, yet you cant be to crazy or you will run out of supplies fast.

I got more ideas Karr. and I really think this mission style will catch on, and people will be taking over islands as a team. This idea allows teams to have preset bases and still keep the base rappers atbay (because of limited vehicles and lives).

I'd really like to work with you on this one. email me at anytime.

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