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proxy doesnt align correctly

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i'm sory for talking about this for so long, but i cant find a solution and the same error is happening in my 2(and only) addons...today i searched bisforums for 2h but couldnt find a similar problem. i'm stucked on this since...the day i started working on addons. that makes 6months. i'm sure i'm doing something wrong. i really need a light here..because my addons are both rdy to be released as a final version (besides this crap), for the last month.

i have some screenies that speaks for themselves...




now i'll describe when this happens...

if u drive around, then stop at ..lets say 40% climb ,get out of vehicle and then get in again, this shit happens... seems that proxy's are not aligning correctly when the ground is not flat.

i duno if it helps, but when i start a mission in the editor assign myself or ai's in the driver seat, in ANY place of an island(flat or hill), everything is ok.

this is happening ONLY when i get out , and then get in again...

now what the hell can be causing this? i noticed the same error in Walker snowaddon to...

i'm using a custom animation rtm for the snowboarder(made by me). the rf8 driver is a "traditional" JeepDriver and Mg is a T55Gunner...(makes me think that problem is not related to anim files)

i can post cfg files if needed, or send all the unpbo files in a zip.

...is anybody out there?

i'll wait here inpatiently for a tip! thanks , Blackjack

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i never tryed to binarize my addon. can it be the reason for all this?

and i moved all the lods to -1m of the origin line (was working on the 0m level), but it didnt changed at all. it keeps doing that deform/displacement.

and i feel so lucky for being the only dumbass around here that ever had this problem... crazy_o.gif

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when a unit is walking on a slope, ofp warps the model's legs to fit the ground so it looks like it is actually standing on an incline. I suppose what happens is that ofp doesn't return the legs to the flat position when he gets into a vehicle while on a slope. Solution... don't get in a vehicle on a slope tounge_o.gif

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you theory could be correct, but why doesnt it happen when u board a jeep, mg jeep, hmmv ,car or truck? it just happens with my addons,and a couple others that i checked...

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