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Resistance non-dedicated ..hell

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Hi & thanks for your attention.

Tried every combination known to machine & man, tried every suggestion my searches have trawled & no luck.

The Problem

Non-dedicated server connection between two XP machines via IP. (normally with ECP, but same result with just plain Resistance)

Sometimes I see my friends game (flickers there for a moment)(have read this in a thread too, but no one offered a solution) - if i try to join - 'connection problems'. Every successive attempt afterwards - i can't see squat.

I use windows firewall, my mate uses Norton.

We have tried:

turning both firewalls off,

opening ports 2302, 2303, & 2304 (as suggested on another thread in this forum)

disabling any firewire ports/additional LAN connections,

socket & direct (no difference)

we have both tried the IP addresses given locally (ie in network settings & those given from www.whatismyip.com)

we both are using the same version of flashpoint 1.96 (final)

machine specs are well in advance of req (3+ ghz each)

We have played succesfully on 1.46 with no probs (is there anyway we can change the host port to the same as used in 1.46 - (2234? or whatever) -can't see an option for non-dedicated.

I have been able to host a game via dedicated server which my mate has been able to join, and we both can connect with no difficulty when using a LAN in same room.

PLEASE! can anyone tell me why we can't connect?

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is there anyway we can change the host port to the same as used in 1.46 - (2234? or whatever) -can't see an option for non-dedicated.

Yes you can!

Start OFP with following optional parameter...

flashpointresistance.exe -port=2234

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Are you on a lan or are you trying to play over the internet? And how do you connect to the internet, ie are you using a router or do you (both) dialup from your machines?

If you play over the internet AND the server is using a router than turning off the firewall is not enough, you will have to forward the server ports.

You could also try to put the ip directly to the shortcut like this:

flashpointresistance.exe -nosplash -nomap -connect= -port=2302

But i don't think this will work if you got network problems.

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