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Bug in fog

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If I set viewDistance to a high value, and then try to set some fog, none comes. Clear vision.

Is fog really just in the edge of the view??

Please explain.


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i guess when u change the standard view distance it doesn't take into account fog confused.gif

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If you set the viewdistance & fog high the viewdistance sort of over rides the fog, having fog is sort of a effect that can be used to make a mission more tense, or a rainy fell. Can give a higher fps too.

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You can normally get the effect required with a combination of view distance and fog settings (after all you can't really have 5k visibility at the same time as thick fog).

Where it is a pain is if you want to start clear and have fog roll in (or vice versa). Does anyone know if it is possible to increment/decrement the view distance over time and if so how?

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you can change the viewdistance while the games is running, using a trigger or script

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Cheers...will have a bash at that this evening...I was at work when I started thinking about it so couldn't try it out.

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