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Non warry Anims

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Does anyone know are there or why aren't there anims for non warry things like Hugging, Sleeping, Sneezing etc.

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A sneezing animation would actually be pretty good to have. Hugging is pretty much impossible in OFP - the characters would push each other away. There already are some sleeping animations.

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Ever seen civilians being liberated?


Seriously there is massive scope for those sort of anims ingame and in cutscenes, imagine how much more atmospheric missions would be if you could sneak into a barracks full of sleeping guards or see frightened civilians embracing after you've chased away a militia.

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Well, as I said - They'd push each other away if one tried to make them hug.

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Its a pretty good idea, for a long time I've wished civs had a whole seperate set of anims, mainly so they didnt do that holding a gun pose when bullets start flying, it makes it hard to know to shoot sometimes. Mabye for OFP2..

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