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wheres my rabbit ?

problem connecting from 2 machines

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i have 2 machines linked with a crossover cable #1 machine connects straight to internet and #2 connects thru that everything works fine apart from if i try to join an internet game from both computers ...

i have 2 copies of the game 1 orig with expansions and 1 goty

the problem is this if i join a game from either computer its fine until i try to connect on the other one it will then timeout the #1 computer .if i join first on #2 the first one wont connect at all .either way once this has happened #1 computer wont connect to a game again unless i reboot..

i can host lan on either computer aswell as run a dedicated server from #1 which people from outside can see and join , i can then join from other computer across lan .

i have no problems connecting both computers in other games

i did to save hassle with addons install #2 computer from disk then copied the whole flashpoint folder over network from #1 to #2 this seems to work fine as they both have different ID numbers and everything works fine apart from in the situation above. i am running 1.96 flashpointbeta.exe on both machines so i dont have to keep putting disks in .

if anyone can help me on this i'd appreciate it .

i belive my network to be working ok as i have no other problems.

pls move if this is posted in wrong place

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Isn't your question the same as this one? Have you read that and tried the suggestions?

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Hmm crossover cable and one computer is connected to internet.Are you using Windows built-in internet sharing? It works well for most things,one glitch I noticed is that the ICS server can't host a MP game.Mine used to quit out of the MP menu.Just a thought as it wasn't mentioned in the other topic.

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Isn't your question the same as this one? Have you read that and tried the suggestions?

nah its a complete different problem. his problem was hosting lan games and mine is that i cant join an internet from both computers at the same time so that, for example me and my flatmate can join my favourite co op server and both play online.

also i could not have found that thread as it was posted after my question but i did find it and read it when checking my thread but it wasn't relevant and he'd already solved his problem or i would have helped him.

i dont have any problems hosting either lan or internet (dedicated or non dedicated) i just cant connect both computers to outside games as it times out the first computer and i then have to restart that machine for it to connect again..(it doesn't loose connection to the internet just wont connect to flashpoint even if i disconnect the other computer from the game)

maybe the topic title is a bit misleading saying lan but i only put that because i cant connect both computers on my lan to an outside game at the same time and like i said other games work fine as we both play the likes of day of defeat online

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