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FBI Agent 2004


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Hey all,

I really love this game, I am hooked. Now I can't wait for Operation Flashpoint 2, but it has to be done right the first time!


Please do rag doll effects, please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is a must! If you shoot them at different angles they should fall according to physics.


If you have a helicopter and are blasting them with gantling gun, their bodies should basicly explode (((appropiate body parts should come out. Gruesome yes, but has to be done since this is war and it's not pretty))) due to the fire rate and sheer strength of a larger bullet/ammunition.

Same goes for sniping enemies. Their bodies should fall appropiately according to a real shot. The physical appearance after a sniping shot should be accounted as well.

The game already has that scare feeling to it. You feel if you don't do the right move at the right time, it's going to cost men and possibly your own life. Now let's make the graphics stand out.


Please let's make this happen. This new addition can really make this game own all the rest!


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Hmmm that is a recipe for a game like Call of Duty. You forgot gameplay and realism, that's what makes the game Flashpoint. Graphics, that's just a plus. Physics, I can say that will be greatly improved, and there's a 70% chance or higher for ragdoll. Also I have nothing against Call of Duty, was just using as a example. I like Call of Duty, but it's too "closed". Just my thought.

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The rag doll effect can be tamed. It doesn't have to be unrealistic like other video games if that's what you are referring too.

Currently, Operation Flashpoint's characters when shot and/or killed feels fixed. The blood and damage is not realistic enough. This is war, there should be some resemblance to this nature of violence. The game is tactical and complex, but this part lacks the emotional and physics feel. It feels too simple to be realistic enough.

Rag Doll effects can have a good influence to the physics of the bodies due to the free range of motion.




Shooting enemy with RPG or and high explosive weapon is relatively lame. They simply fall to the ground or fligh high up without any movement.


When shot at with high explosives, do the real thing! Body parts come off with grenades or with RPG they basically explode. This is war and war is not pretty.

It doesn't have to be cartoonish or overdone, but if done with a style like Saving Private Ryan it can work.



This is a sniper weapon people, the body has to take some hardcore damage! They simply look bloody and that's it. No bullet holes or resemblance of being shot with a high powered rifle.


Hopefully with rag doll effects, a shot to the head will react and die if it were to happen in real life. There will be an impact reaction, then the aftermath appearance.

If shot in the body, the person can fall to the ground and still live. However, if shot in a touchy area (heart) they will obviously be killed and let them fall according how they were shot.

Show bullet wounds, blood and if possible internal parts to add to the realism.

I am not trying to make the game a horror blood fest. We all know this game isn't about graphics or necessarily the physics of the game. However we have to be frank and realize that this game's foundation is based on realism of war and emotion. In war, there is wounds, blood and death. Let's show that and make this game really shine out from the crowd.

Thanks!  unclesam.gif

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Shooting enemy with RPG or and high explosive weapon is relatively lame. They simply fall to the ground or fligh high up without any movement.


When shot at with high explosives, do the real thing! Body parts come off with grenades or with RPG they basically explode. This is war and war is not pretty.

It doesn't have to be cartoonish or overdone, but if done with a style like Saving Private Ryan it can work.

omg have you been watching too much hollywood movies or what? do you even know how a grenade works? in movies you see flames above the trees when a nade goes off and ppl fly for like 30ft. no no no the fragments of the grenade drill deep into the target. kinda like a bullet. standing on a grenade when it explodes might rip your foot off if you're unlucky.

and I have this strange feeling there is an open topic of game physics and graphics just above

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Shooting enemy with RPG or and high explosive weapon is relatively lame. They simply fall to the ground or fligh high up without any movement.


When shot at with high explosives, do the real thing! Body parts come off with grenades or with RPG they basically explode. This is war and war is not pretty.

It doesn't have to be cartoonish or overdone, but if done with a style like Saving Private Ryan it can work.

omg have you been watching too much hollywood movies or what? do you even know how a grenade works? in movies you see flames above the trees when a nade goes off and ppl fly for like 30ft. no no no the fragments of the grenade drill deep into the target. kinda like a bullet. standing on a grenade when it explodes might rip your foot off if you're unlucky.

and I have this strange feeling there is an open topic of game physics and graphics just above

You are bringing up a side case subject that I didn't even dwell upon closely in my original post. It was mentioned to categorized the subject I was trying to present. Making assumptions about my qualifications of weaponry intelligence by asking a rhetorical question does not make you any smarter or mightier.  mad_o.gif

Look, when somebody shoots you with a rpg the body simply does not fall to the floor intact period.

All grenades do not operate the way you have mentioned. Yes, they don't blow up everything on site, but the way it happens in the game seems too simple. Little bit more debris and if a grenade does fall below my feet and goes up, why no detaching of my limbs?

This is war, it has to be bit more realistic.


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Have u played with WGL mod? They did a good job by making it realistic and weapon systems accurate to the real thing. Nades in this mod dont just explode into an orange cloud. smile_o.gif

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Have u played with WGL mod? They did a good job by making it realistic and weapon systems accurate to the real thing. Nades in this mod dont just explode into an orange cloud. smile_o.gif



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