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Veteran leader Yasser Arafat dies

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Quote[/b] ]Sharon was the Defense Minister at the time of the intial foray into Lebanon. He took the fall for the rest of the administration after the Shabra and Shatila massacures, even though that was a localized event way down on the chain of command.

It's been more than suggested that Sharon knew very well what was going to take place.

Quote[/b] ]As I have repeatedly said before, the neutralization of a target in ME MOUT environments with a minimum of collateral damage is most effective in air strikes. Ground forces can not quickly penetrate those environments during times of opportunity without heavy civilian casualties.

What you say is logical from your view - and if you forget about the consequences affecting other people. But it is not acceptable when using such a tactic kills rather indiscriminately. At least moraly!

Quote[/b] ]When a terrorist blows themselves up, Saddam Hussein previously paid the families $35,000, and who knows what else whoever chipped in. Morally I believe in the liberty of individuals, but practially, a palestinian house is a clan refuge, and people inside do know what's going on.

Not nessecarily! It was perfectly normal during the german occupation of Norway to keep underground work strictly secret. If you are making yourself the judge and jury without knowing for sure you cannot take the moral highground. Besides, lots of news reports tell another story - that the houses are flattened after the terrorist has been killed. Wouldn't you say that serves other purposes such as :

1. prevention by scaring possible soon to be terrorists or

2. a pure revenge that only affects innocent people.

Quote[/b] ]Nobody made even so much as a peep when Jordan occupied the West Bank from 1948 to 1967. They had zero claim to any land west of the Jordan, but headed over anyway.

Yes, you are right - spot on! Many people sort of believes in a kind of unity of the arab world concerning the palestinian situation - whereas this is clearly not the case!

If anything, the palestinian have been used cynically by their so called "arab brothers" whenever it suited their purposes.

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