MEDICUS 0 Posted November 2, 2004 Hi, it's getting colder and colder outside and so i thought it would be nice to have this in OFP, too So I modified Cleanrocks crCTI v0.33 to a Winter-CTI placed on Winter-Kodiak. Needed Addons:<ul>[*] WinterNogojev1.1 [36.5MB] [*] Kegetys RussianWeaponPack v1.1 [*] Kegetys S&W Pack [*] Winter Kodiak (Island) [*] Mi2-NO v1.0 [*] BAS Littlebirds [*] crCTI-Addons (CTI Markers v1, Baracken v1.1, CTITC Addons v1.0) Read the crCTI-Changelog here Winter-CTI ChangeLog:<ul>V1.0 [*] Replaced all Units with Kegetys WinterUnits [*] Limited BaseBuildings to one of each type [*] One "ViewDistance"-Option added (now 900/1100/1400) [*] 3 Towns added (now 19 conquerable towns) V1.1 [*] Building and Unitprices reduced [*] FFARs Removed [*] Transport-Option removed from Attack-Helis [*] Mi2NO and Littlebird added Known/Fixed Bugs: ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Download the Mission here. (v1.2) ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Thank's a lot to Cleanrock for this nice crCTI! MfG MEDCIUS (Mission playable on GDT Coop/CTI Server atm) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Placebo 31 Posted November 3, 2004 Medicus I edited your links to remove the :8021 port from the mirrors as some people have problems downloading if that's there Edit: Gaaaah there/their, stupid English language Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MEDICUS 0 Posted November 9, 2004 Any bugs found? Or do you have any suggestions or wishes? MfG MEDICUS Â Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MEDICUS 0 Posted November 15, 2004 <span style='color:blue'>Winter Kodiak v1.2</span> released ----------------------------------- <ul>V1.0 [*]Replaced all Units with Kegetys WinterUnits [*]Limited BaseBuildings to one of each type [*]One "ViewDistance"-Option added (now 900/1100/1400) [*]3 Towns added (now 19 conquerable towns) V1.1 [*]Building and Unitprices reduced [*]FFARs Removed [*]Transport-Option removed from Attack-Helis [*]Mi2NO and Littlebird added V1.2 [*]Added SW Model 66, SW 629 Classic and Dirty Harry Gun (Kegetys' SW Pack) [*]Star-Positions fixed DownloadLink and needed Addons in the first post MfG MEDICUS Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Commando84 0 Posted November 19, 2004 I'll try this on saturday or sunday when i ge some sparetime Share this post Link to post Share on other sites