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gandalf the white

stop that script!

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wow, you actually clicked this topic! that's good! thanks! biggrin_o.gif

i want a script (artillery named impact.sqs) to stop when a 82 MM mortar is destroyed, how do i do that? preferably via a trigger?

thanks in advance smile_o.gif

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In the script you need to check the status of the mortar.

Or, you could have a global variable which is checked in the script (looping I assume?) and alter the variable accordingly when the mortar is destroyed. You could try adding an eventhandler, (dammaged) to the mortar and use that to exit the script......but its probably as simple as.....

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

?(getdammage MORTARNAME)>0.75 :EXIT


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I've had bad experience with getdammage, so I would rather go for commands like canfire or canmove. Do not use !(alive XXX) 'cause if you will immobilise the arty cannon so it's non-functional, although the game recognizes it as alive, the trigger will not fire.

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<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

?(getdammage MORTARNAME)>0.75 :EXIT

this has to be at the start? (i've yet to succesfully edit my first script tounge_o.gif

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It can go anywhere but depends on the script, if this is an artillery script then put it somewhere in the loop where it creates the shells (a sure way to find the loop is to look for a command like camcreate or createvehicle) because the script will always return to that point and it will be checked again and again for damage that way.

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it worked!! biggrin_o.gif

here's your reward:


TJ, Korax, and The Real Armstrong can also apply for map testers (multiplayer coop map 1 - 20 using FDF and editorupgrade) , just drop me a PM smile_o.gif .

stage of devellopment: either 40 % or 70 (prolly 70 tounge_o.gif ) , just need to finnish furnituring and make a briefing...

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