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Strange issue with hit detection

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I've been using Jean Christophe's Panther pack (ww2 tanks)

Download for the tanks

but I've noticed something strange with the hit detection.

If I shoot in front of the tank, but aim to miss it it still shows puffs from hitting it even though I'm aiming almost 45 degrees in front of it.    If I shoot above it, then I also see bullet hit cloudlets.  I've opened it up in O2 and looked at the LOD's

I've checked the Fire,  Geometry, and Hitpoints LOD's but they all seem to line up just fine.  The only odd thing about the model is that it seems to have been build underneath the 0 Y axis, and it's also built to the left of the 0 X Axis.  I assume this doesn't matter, since the LandContact LOD tells it where it touches the ground anyway.

Can anyone tell me what could be causing this?  I've looked over all LOD's and they're all aligned from what I can tell.

Oh, he does have 3 LOD's that I've not heard of.

View - Command Geometry

View - Gunner FireGeometry

View - Pilot -Geometry

I've tried deleting those LOD's but that doesn't solve anything.  I'd like to figure out what the issue is so I can email Jean and ask him to release a fix.


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this happened to me while I was making a MBT70 tank, I ended up deleting the fire geo lod and geo lod and remade them

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When I delete a LOD, is it ok just to delete the actual name in the LOD list, or do I first need to select everything that is selected under the LOD, delete it and then delete the LOD name?

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