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addon problem

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hello guys..

i downloaded some addons from the net..and these addons do not seems to appear in the game itself. how do i fix it?

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Did you unzip/unrar the archive they most likely came packaged in and extract them to your addons directory?

You will of course only find them in the mission editor unless you have downloaded some missions that specifically use them smile_o.gif

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yup i did...and it still did nt appear in the mission editor

furthermore in some downloaded zip files there is a error of file not in a valid archive..wads going on?

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If the archives are rar files (like most seem to be) then check that you have a recent version of rar installed, cause the old one can not unpack the new one, most of the times only the first file is displayed and unpacked.

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furthermore in some downloaded zip files there is a error of file not in a valid archive..wads going on?

It's possible the download wasn't complete or was corrupt, more than likely if you're using your browser to download large files, use a download manager like Flashget/Getright/Gozilla smile_o.gif

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