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Joining units to player

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Another problem..

I've got a group that joins the player when a unit reaches a certain waypoint.

I can make them join o.k, but they wont follow me. I can order them to move and do stuff, but when i press 1,1 to have them follow me they follow one of the units from the group that joined instead, and just stand there.

I've got it activated by synched up waypoints at the moment and i had it done in a script before, but got the same result.

Also, the player has "stop" next to his icon in the bottom of the screen. I've made units join before and I dont know what the problem is.

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or in script perform

player dostop false

I think the syntax is actually

player stop false

The official command reference states that it is an obsolete command, however.

DoStop takes only one argument, that being the unit that you want to stop. smile_o.gif (eg. doStop player)

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