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mapfact.net releases XCam Console

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hi baphomet,

after you assign or move a unit into an empty vehicle,

disappears the vehicle from the list, since it is no longer empty.

at this moment, the unit is marked blue, because the unit is now a part of the vehicle.

ok, now press the "add" button beside the list and the vehicle is again available in this list.

now select another unit, then select the vehicle from the list and press one of the possible positions.

I hope I could help.

sorry for my bad english



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Ohhhh. Ok. I'll give that a shot. I thought maybe Xcam was just telling me I could only put in one guy at any given time... which wouldn't make much sense.

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I've got another question. I've been using Xcam successfully now as a mission management suite for administrating multiplayer missions.

Certain things don't work on the client, but I can however create attack waves and maneuver groups, etc.

The only problem is, when you run xcam in MP, everyone gets the option to run the console.

Would there be any way to specify in the script that a unit with a certain name, like aP, or something could only run it in that game? I know my friends won't cheat using it, but still. If someone is using a unit that depends somewhat on action menu items and xcam is there, not being used. It makes things cumbersome for them.

Any suggestions?

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try appliying the option to a certain item somewhere and make urself away from other players but they you dont get to join into the group lol.. soo im not sure though

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What option to what item? huh.gif

These players aren't in my group... crazy_o.gif

Perhaps I'm misunderstanding what you mean.

I'm pretty sure somewhere in the initialization of xcam, although I'm not a knowledgable scripter, I'm pretty sure it just enables the console for anything that's a human player, it doesn't discriminate amongst groups, etc.

So as I said before, if anyone -was- familiar with it, could they provide some kind of workaround, to add xcam access through the action menu to only one specifically named unit.

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Hehe, I was just to start making my own Game Master Script, but it looks like you did it already. Maybe it needs only small improvements to fully work in MP.

About last question. To give Xcam only to Game Master, try this:

1. Give name in OFP Editor to Game Master's unit (it can be civil far away from mission area) - call him GM

2. Edit init.sqs. Change code:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

[]exec "xcamkonsole\xcaminit.sqs"



<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

? player == GM : [] exec "xcamkonsole\xcaminit.sqs"


It means that script is run only on GM's computer. But I do not know will this work correctly, because I did not test it and I did not look into main code. Just fast idea.

OK. So if I was not so fast with GM script, I can say what I plan to add. Xcam idea was only a part of my idea. Full on fly control over AI is great, but imagine that GM can act as any unit excluding players.

You are GM. You start new mission as GM. You act as GM and as HQ in the same time. You give orders to players by Team Speak. You create events. Add units, friendly, enemy, neutral. You give them orders, you delete them if they are not needed at time. And when it is good for mission and athomsphere, you get in role of some unit. So when Medevac is called, you can be a pilot and land very aggressive and fast. When they need to take a hostage, you can play as enemy officer and they can interrogate you. If they are running away and there is BMP after them, you can act as gunner and shot NOT-SO-ACCURATE to make them feel bad, but not to kill them. Just imagine, what you can get with such improvement smile_o.gif

I just checked the other MAPFACT script, RESPAWN 2 to check how it can be done smile_o.gif And I hope in near future I or maybe some Big OFP Scripter will do such script. I can't wait to get it working smile_o.gif

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? (format ["%1", name Player] == "YourNameInGame"): [] exec "xcamkonsole\xcaminit.sqs"

This should function, actually.



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It works!! Brilliant. That's just what I needed.

Thanks for taking the time to help.

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