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I got the first objective to work fine.

Now the second objective is for the player to kill all east units in level. What do I type into the trigger? And which boxes?

Secondly how do I link them so the game finishes when OBJ 1 and OBJ 2 are done?

Cheers guys.

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Now the second objective is for the player to kill all east units in level. What do I type into the trigger? And which boxes?

Code samples:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> class Item0






activationType="NOT PRESENT";







text="RusoveOut SW";

expActiv="""2"" objStatus ""DONE""; Done=true";

class Effects



titleEffect="PLAIN DOWN";




Quote[/b] ]Secondly how do I link them so the game finishes when OBJ 1 and OBJ 2 are done?

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> class Item22








text="end1 - mission succsess";

expCond="Obj1 == 1 AND Obj2 == 1";

expActiv="Hint ""Mission Complete"";";

class Effects





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Avon, what the heck is that? An exerpt from a mission.sqm??!

Err... I think what Avon is trying to say, UKSubmariner, is something like this:

In a trigger, set the a and b axis to cover the units you want to kill (not too big. Whatever you do, don't make the common mistake of having a 5000x5000 trigger! wow_o.gif).

In the Activated By box, select 'East' and then 'Not Present'. When all East units are dead, the trigger will activate.

To make the mission end with objectives 1 & 2 finished, make a trigger with a and b axis of 0. Next, in the trigger which activates objective 1's completion, type obj1=true in the On Activation box. And in the second objective's trigger, type obj2=true.

Now, back to the third trigger (axis' of 0). In the Condition box, type obj1 AND obj2. This will make the trigger wait until obj1 and obj2 become true. When they do, it will activate, so select the End# in there.

I hope that's easy to understand. If not, I could post some screenshots to help explain it better. smile_o.gif

[Gareth Gates must die]

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What are you referring to? My post (aka, easy-to-understand method) or Avon's (to me - aka, what-teh-fUx0r method)? biggrin_o.gif

Seriously, though. I don't think Avon's post will help much. No offense, of course; Submariner just seems new to mission editing.

[Gareth Gates must die]

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What are you referring to? My post (aka, easy-to-understand method) or Avon's (to me - aka, what-teh-fUx0r method)? biggrin_o.gif

Seriously, though. I don't think Avon's post will help much. No offense, of course; Submariner just seems new to mission editing.

[Gareth Gates must die]

Cheers guys again. biggrin_o.gif I'm not new to mission making, just making sure the things are of a good enough quality for release (I have shedloads of half-baked without briefing, objectives or intro's on my drive, simply just for me to play with.)

Thanks again. All I need to do is get one of the objectives to work and I'll have finished another fine mission.

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Not present triggers are absolutley crap unless in very small areas, like 50x50. I suggest you look up some kind of morale script (or make one yourself) and make the baddies flee after they're down to 10 % or summin.

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