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Heads up on 1.41 server exe!!

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Just wanted to provide a heads up to All Seeing Eye users. The 1.41 dedicated server patch is available for OFP...it does not read as 1.40 (which is the the current client side version of OFP) in the all seeing eye.  If a player has the version 1.40 box checked under OPERATION FLASHPOINT in the All Seeing Eye, servers which have updated with the patch will not show up.  Until the Eye is patched to reflect this change, you may want to uncheck the 1.40 box under OFP in order to see the updated servers.

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You may either wait until they update the filters.txt or edit it yourself smile.gif Search for this section and insert the lines between the markers:

Operation Flashpoint\version

Group: NUL

"--- Start of Insert ---"

Operation Flashpoint\version\1.41



1 if version == "141" keep

2 if gamever != "1.41" remove

"--- End of Insert ---"

Operation Flashpoint\version\1.40



1 if version == "140" keep

2 if gamever != "1.40" remove

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Thank you TLX .... much appreciated..... biggrin.gif



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Hi Badger,

always glad i can help smile.gif

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Yes of coz. Otherwise the server patch would be useless without a client patch. Upgrading servers seems to be done slowly anyway. Only few servers are updated to 1.41 by now.

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